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Iraq: Diyala police chief resorts to lies in fear of consequences of crimes committed in Camp Ashraf

 Iranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 67

Diyala police chief resorts to lies and stage managing shows in fear of consequences of crimes committed

NCRI – As international outrage against crimes committed by Iraqi forces in their attack on Camp Ashraf grows, some of the Iraqi authorities responsible for the crimes, in particular the Diyala province police chief Abdulhussein al-Shemmary, have resorted to stage managing shows and ridiculous lies to cover up their crimes in Camp Ashraf and justify them. International jurists have declared that the crimes committed in Ashraf constitute crime against humanity and falls within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to deal with it. The Diyala police chief and forces under his command have carried out heinous crimes in Ashraf under the order of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

On the seventh day of the attack on Ashraf yesterday, Al-Forat TV, the Arabic language television of the Iranian regime, quoted al-Shemmary claiming that five Iraqi police officers had been killed by members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and his forces, after their ‘peaceful entry’ into Ashraf to “provide services to the residents were brutally attacked by the PMOI members.” He added, “As a result of brutal and inhumane use of dagger, knife, chloride gas, baton, stone, rock and all sorts of tools and sonic bombs, five police officers were wounded. We do not know whether the Mojahedin have handed over all their weapons or not but they certainly have some weapons hidden which will be discovered in coming days.” Previously, the news agency affiliated to the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps quoted al-Shemmary as saying, “The Monafeqin (derogatory term used by the regime for  the Mojahedin) are using toxic gas against the Iraqi police.”

Al-Shemmary and his Iranian and Iraqi masters should be reminded that these kinds of ploys would only add to their disgrace and discredit them even further. They have to face the judicial and international consequences of their atrocious crimes.

Although al-Shemmary’s lies about so-called “hidden weapons” of the Mojahedin bear no credibility, but it must be recalled that on April 18, 19 and 29 the Iraqi Interior Ministry investigative delegations – the body in which al-Shemmary works for – searched Ashraf thoroughly using specially trained police dogs. The commander of the Interior Ministry delegation in a statement reiterated: “We found no explosives or any weapons [in Ashraf] other than 23 fire crackers some of which were decayed and some empty.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 4, 2009