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Iraq: Blockade against Camp Liberty Iranians intensifies after Fayad meets Suleimani & Shamkhani

Camp Liberty, IraqThe blockade, particularly denial of free access to medical care, imposed against Iranians in Camp Liberty has intensified since the Iranian regime’s Quds Force commander, Qassem Suleimani, and the head of its Supreme Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, met with Iraqi National Security Advisor Faleh Al-Fayad.

The Iranian Resistance renews calls on U.S. and U.N. to end this blockade.

NCRI – On Wednesday, September 17, Iraqi intelligence agents obstructed the transfer of a Camp Liberty resident suffering from acute eye disease to the hospital in Baghdad. This stonewalling was justified by the ludicrous pretext that all patients may go only to one hospital.

The forces also did not allow nurses and interpreters for two other patients to accompany them. This measure makes things extremely hard for the patients and makes their dialogue with hospital physician and staff quite difficult and next to impossible.

On Thursday, September 18, a resident of the camp lost his life in the absence of medical services. Mr. Taghi Abbasian was the 21st member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who lost his life due to the medical siege imposed on the residents.

In an anti-human policy that amounts to psychological torture, the Iraqi forces introduce delays in the departure of ambulances from Camp Liberty under various pretenses such that most of the time the patients would be late getting to the hospital and miss some or all of their medical appointments and return to camp without achieving anything.

In one such cases, on September 18, Iraqi agents forced the patients to change their interpreters and nurses three times before allowing them to leave the camp to go to hospital. As a result, three patients who suffer from heart problems could not get to their appointments in time. Also a female patient could not complete her medical test due to the delay and thus all four patients returned to the camp without receiving medical care. Similarly on September 8, these same three heart patients missed their medical appointments and medical tests due to similar delays and hampering.

In yet another repressive act, on September 18, the intelligence agents set up a binocular with tripod on the roof of one of the buildings of the police battalion stationed in the camp and carried out reconnaissance of various sections of the camp.

These measures and the criminal blockade against Camp Liberty residents are implemented under the supervision of the criminal Major Ahmed Khozair who receives his orders directly from Faleh Al-Fayad and the Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds Force. During the past years, Ahmed Khozair has played an active role in massacres carried out against the residents. Also he has been actively involved in imposing the blockade on the camp as well as psychological torture of the residents.

The criminal blockade against the Camp Liberty residents has intensified since two months ago, when Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of clerical regime’s Supreme Security Council, and Qasem Soleimani, Commander of the terrorist Quds Force, met with the National Security Advisor of Government of Iraq Faleh Al-Fayad, while visiting the country.

While reminding the U.S. government and the United Nations of their commitments regarding the safety and security of Camp Liberty residents, the Iranian Resistance calls for their immediate intervention to end this criminal blockade, and provide the residents with free access to medical services.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 19, 2014