Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qods terrorist Force directly participated in Ashraf Attack

Ashraf military occupation – No. 42

NCRI – According to reports from inside the Iranian regime, a number of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qods terrorist Force directly participated in the April 8 deadly attack on Ashraf. When some of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were faced with the resistance of the residents, especially the unarmed women, lost their control and furiously insulted them in “Persian”.

The regime’s Revolutionary Guards in several cases fired upon residents carrying the injured on stretchers killing and injuring many of the residents.

Based on these reports, a number of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards remain in force amongst the Iraqi forces occupying residential areas of Ashraf.

A month prior to the April 8 brutal invasion of Ashraf, the terrorist Qods Force commanders carried out reconnaissance operations in Iraqi Army vehicles with tinted glass inside Ashraf.  The residents reported these incidences to the United Nations and US forces and called for preventive action.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 11, 2011

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