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Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the suggestion of the Foreign Minister of Iraq in Tehran for formation of joint committee with the clerical regime on Ashraf

Military occupation of Camp Ashraf- No. 115

Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the suggestion of the Foreign Minister of Iraq in Tehran for formation of joint committee with the clerical regime on Ashraf and views this as a clear indication of collusion with the mullahs in massacre of People’s Mojahedin members

Any role for the Iranian regime on the issue of Ashraf is an unyielding red line, and the US and UN have a responsibility to this effect

The International Committee of the Red Cross should not make itself discredited through complicity in this suppressive plan that is in direct violation of international laws


NCRI – According to the Agence France Presse, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari who is visiting Iran, in a joint press conference with the Foreign Minister of the clerical regime, said: “We have proposed the formation of a joint committee between Iran, Iraq and the (International Committee of the) Red Cross to resolve the issue of (People’s Mujahedeen of Iran) at Camp Ashraf.” AFP added: “He insisted the Iraqi government is adamant that the base be shut down by the end of the year.”

It is obvious that the insistence of Nouri-al-Maliki’s government and Hoshyar Zebari in placing inexcusable deadlines for closure of Ashraf is a desperate attempt to deviate from the main question and to eclipse the call by the international community for a “full, comprehensive, and independent” investigation into the April 8 raid and massacre of 36 Ashraf residents and the crushing of innocent civilians with armored vehicles.
The suggestion by the Foreign Minister of Iraq for the formation of a joint committee with the clerical regime and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is strongly condemned and is unacceptable. It is a clear indication of collusion with the religious dictatorship ruling Iran for the massacre of members of the opposition and residents of Ashraf. The ICRC should not make itself discredited through complicity in this plan that is in violation of international laws and conventions.
The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the international community, in particular the UN, US, EU and the ICRC to the fictitious deadline of end of 2011 for the closure of Camp Ashraf that is a joint product of Nouri-al-Maliki and Khamenei to evade the consequences of crimes against humanity perpetrated in Ashraf and a prelude to stepping up suppression against residents of Ashraf and a new massacre there.
Any complicity and role for the clerical regime on the issue of Ashraf and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), 120,00 of whose members  and supporters have been executed by the clerical regime, is an unyielding red line for Iranian people, the Iranian Resistance and in particular the residents of Ashraf. The US government and the UN are responsible to this effect and should prevent the clerical regime’s involvement in this case.

Remarks made by the Foreign Minister of Iraq clearly show this reality that the government of Nouri-al-Maliki is not only devoid of competency and the will to protect Ashraf residents, but also has turned into a tool into the hands of the dictatorship ruling in Iran to destroy the mullahs’ opposition. In particular subsequent to the massacres of July 2009 and April 2011, the UN and US government should act according to their responsibility for protecting the unarmed and defenseless residents of Ashraf, and they are responsible for any attacks they face.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 21, 2011