Iranian Resistance repeats calls for transfer to Europe of those critically wounded in Dec 26 rocket attack

17 days later, none of the critically injured have been transferred

The Iranian Resistance once again calls on the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and European countries to immediately transfer to Europe Mr Hassan Mohammadi and Mr Khossrow Rezai, two Camp Liberty residents injured during the December 26 rocket attack, and emphasizes that it will assume all expenses for their transfer, housing and medical treatment.

After the fourth rocket attack on Camp Liberty, the Iranian Resistance had requested the immediate transfer of the three critically injured PMOI members to Europe for medical treatment (NCRI statement No. 11 – 29 December 2013). The delay in their transfer regrettably led to the death of Mr Yahya Ziyarati on January 3, 2014, eight days after the attack.

Now 17 days after the rocket attack, the two remaining victims have unfortunately still not been transferred. Hassan Mohammadi, 31, who was hit by several in the stomach by shrapnel, remains in a critical condition after several operations during which physicians were forced to cut off his leg (picture is attached). Hassan’s father and PMOI member Ali Mohammadi was executed during the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 by the Iranian regime.

Khossrow Rezai received injuries to his eye and is on the verge of losing his eyesight despite having had surgery.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

January 11, 2014

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