Iranian Resistance once again urges departments of State and Defense to conduct a thorough inspection of Camp Ashraf by the US forces as essential condition for relocation of Ashraf residents


The inaccurate statement that the US could not confirm complete disarmament of Camp Ashraf  is another license to kill for the Iranian regime and the Government of Iraq

NCRI – On Tuesday, during a May 8 hearing before the US Court of Appeal for the District of Columbia, the attorney for the U.S. Department of State resorted to a lie to justify the Department’s non-compliance with the July 2010 ruling of the court.

Responding to the judges who had questioned him on the Department failure to complete their review of  the FTO designation of  the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) said that the US Army has “never been able to inspect” Ashaf. “The MEK did not permit it” and “the military has never done a complete search and inspection” of Ashraf.

His remarks clearly contradict the verification of the status of all residents of Camp Ashraf as “Protected Persons” under on the Fourth Geneva Convention by the US government in 2004, as well as all the documents signed by the US military officers verifying Ashraf residents complete handover of their arms and ammunitions, repeated statements by General Odierno on the issue, and May 10 and May 17, 2003 statements by CENTCOM and other senior officials who have repeatedly declared that MEK “have been completely disarmed. We have taken all small arms and all heavy equipment.”

Three days inspection of the Iraqi forces with sniffer dogs on April 2009 and its photos, films and documents were intentionally ignored.

In addition, the US state department authorities are very well informed that the residents of Ashraf have even delivered the ammunitions left by US forces in Camp Liberty to UN monitors (Photos taken on 27 March 2012).
The false claims on storage or hiding weapons, ammunitions and explosives in Ashraf which are nothing but a replica of claims by the Iraqi government and the Iranian regime, are considered as a license to kill or massacre Ashraf residents.  Such claims will provide them with a chance and pave the way for placing weapons and munitions in Ashraf and setting sage for another massacre as well as intensifying the siege, harassment and torture of Ashraf and Liberty residents.

The Iranian Resistance once again urges the US Department of State and US Department of Defense to task US military special forces to immediately inspect Ashraf with necessary equipments and announce their findings. This is an essential condition for continuation of the process of relocation of Ashraf residents to Liberty in order to prevent any justification for further massacres.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 12, 2012

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