Iran Quds Force to set ablaze Ashraf property with Iraqi forces help

Ashrf residents property amounts to at least 500 million dollars

NCRI – According to credible information from inside the mullahs’ regime obtained by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the terrorist Quds Force is secretly planning to infiltrate its Iraqi elements –such as the “9th Badr Brigade” terrorists – into Camp Ashraf to set ablaze the residents’ property. The plot is to be carried out with assistance provided by Iraqi forces under Maliki’s command that are supposedly tasked to protect Camp Ashraf. Based on this plan, they intend to deprive the residents of their property and also place the blame of the fire incident on the residents.

Considering the plots of the mullahs’ regime and terrorist Quds Force to expropriate, annihilate and steal Camp Ashraf residents’ property; taking into account the Iraqi government’s hindrance in selling residents’ property; and considering the fact that 100 residents are far too few to maintain and protect Camp Ashraf’s property, the Iranian Resistance demands the return of a group of residents from Camp Liberty to Ashraf to provide support in protecting the property until a final settlement. These individuals can be among the residents already interviewed by the UNHCR and finalized their refugee status determination process.

From the beginning of the plan of evicting Ashraf residents, the Iraqi government – at the behest of the Iranian regime – has sought to expropriate the residents through various methods. To this day, the Iraqi government has driven to failure all the residents’ attempts to sell their property. Preventing Iraqi merchants from entering Ashraf to purchase the property, stonewalling and blocking a contract with an Iraqi merchant, and then threatening a British company  and thus threatening its representative to death, are all amongst the Iraqi government’s illegal measures in this regard.

The last effort to resolve  the property issue was the trip by the residents’ legal representatives Senator Torricelli and Professor Schneebaum to Iraq to resolve the property issue, carried out under UNAMI’s proposal. However, in contrast to the initial agreement, neither any Iraqi official agreed to meet with them nor were they allowed to enter Liberty or Ashraf to speak with the residents and see the property up close. Their trip, despite all the enormous effort and expenses, was futile.

During this trip, residents’ legal representatives talked with a team of Iraqi lawyers to receive legal advice and reached an agreement. The Government of Iraq asked through UNAMI to get into a direct dialog with Iraqi lawyers. Senator Torricelli asked Martin Kobler to present certain written assurances as articulated in three items on behalf of the GOI before Iraqi lawyers meet with the government. Kobler, however, refrained from providing them in writing. Even in later correspondences, it turned out that the GOI had rejected those assurances.

On January 7th  and 13th, Mr. Torricelli asked Martin Kobler officially to raise those three issues with Faleh Fayyaz, Maliki’s National Security Advisor, and to give on his behalf written assurances over these three issues. These three points are:
First, the directive from the Council of Ministers regarding cooperation with the MEK by Iraqi citizens has no impact on the right to ownership of  this  organization and does not apply to Lawyers generally and specifically is not relevant to these circumstances since the GOI welcomes their involvement. The  Iraqi lawyers will not be prosecuted and their security would not be jeopardized.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 4, 2013


Martin Kobler paves way for stealing Ashraf resident’s property and massacre in Ashraf

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