Iranian regime’s Qods Force agents helped by Iraqi forces tear down western fence of Camp Ashraf

Camp Ashraf military occupation – No. 3

NCRI – In a move aimed at setting the stage to attack and kill Ashraf residents, a group of agents of Iranian regime’s terrorist Qods Force, supported by Iraqi forces under the command of al-Maliki, on Monday evening took apart some twenty four meters of the western fence of Camp Ashraf using large pliers. The agents escaped only after a group of residents rushed to the scene and protested their aggressive move.

This secretariat has already warned in its previous statement (Camp Ashraf military occupation – No. 2) that upon the orders from Ali Khamenei for creating another bloodbath in the camp, the Iraqi forces under  the command of al-Maliki plan to destroy the fence at the northern flank of the camp.

In addition to a battalion of the Fifth Division of the Iraqi Army, a battalion of Ninth Division which had played a very active role during the July  2009 attack against Ashraf, continues to remain in Ashraf on the order from al-Maliki to execute its vicious plans.  This is while already the Fifth Division has officially declared that it is substituting the Ninth Division.

While warning about the vicious plans of the clerical regime and the Iraqi government of under its influence, the Iranian Resistance calls for immediate measures by the United States and United Nations to assume the protection of Ashraf residents.  It also reminds that the American forces had already signed individual agreements with the camp’s resident to  protect them until the final resolution their situation, in return for their disarmament.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 5, 2011

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