Iranian regime’s new schemes to maintain failed campaign of deploying agents to Ashraf gate

Iranian regime's new schemes to maintain failed campaign of deploying agents to Ashraf gateCooperation of Iraqi military with the agents of the Iranian regime violates international treaties and can be pursued in international tribunals.

NCRI – On Tuesday, May 11, the Iranian regime's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the terrorist Qods Force redeployed a group of their agents at the main gate of Ashraf fully equipped with items such as placards and new loudspeakers. They had previously been taken to the Iranian regime's Embassy in Baghdad in order to receive new instructions and briefings.

Upon their arrival, the Iraqi military that is supposedly present there to protect Ashraf residents opened the gate and installed with the help of the agents the new big placards that were sent by MOIS from Tehran on Ashraf's gate from inside the Camp.

Videos and photos showing the Iraqi soldiers installing the placards that carry provocative and abusive slogans and words are available. According to the information obtained from inside the regime, the agents are to install 10 new loudspeakers at the location and continue with their psychological torture of the residents by using 27 loudspeakers.

The regime is going on with this dirty campaign in its fourth month while it is extremely disappointed and angry in face of the PMOI members’ firm rejection and the outrage it has caused among people in Iran and across the world. In their private meetings, the sources inside the Iranian regime stressed that they had not achieved any of their initial objectives.

The systematic measures to torture and wage psychological war against Ashraf residents and preparing the grounds for their massacre are blatant violations of international covenants as well as the Fourth Geneva Convention and are considered crimes against humanity. Therefore, the Iranian Resistance warns the officials within the office of the Iraqi Prime Minister and military that they are viable for prosecution in international courts for their practices.

The Spanish Central Court is conducting an investigation against Iraqi officials to prosecute them for their involvement in killing of Ashraf residents in July 2009 and for violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The Iranian Resistance also draws the attention of the UN Secretary General, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Iraq, and the American officials and military commanders to the ongoing crimes against Ashraf residents and urges the UN to undertake the responsibility of protection of Ashraf and the US forces to ensure its protection since they disarmed the PMOI and pledged to provide protection.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 12, 2010

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