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Iranian regime’s fresh attempts at causing tensions to set the stage for attacks against Camp Ashraf

Les agents du Vevak installés devant la porte d'Achraf avec leurs haut-parleurs mégapuissantsAshraf – Urgent

Iranian regime’s fresh attempts at causing tensions to set the stage for renewed attacks against Camp Ashraf

NCRI – The religious fascism ruling Iran, in coordination with its embassy in Baghdad and the committee in charge of suppression of Ashraf at the Iraqi government, seeks to renew its efforts to blackmail and instigate crises against Ashraf to increase pressure on its residents as American forces prepare to withdraw from the Grizzly Base in Ashraf.

Information obtained from inside Iran indicate that as a first step in that direction, the clerical regime plans to send a number of its agents under the guise of Iraqi sheikhs and reporters to Ashraf tomorrow morning, June 19, 2010. The plan is to cause mayhem and crises against the residents of Ashraf, paving the way for renewed attacks and massacre, with the help of agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) who are camping in front of Ashraf’s gate as “families” of the residents.

Prior to this, on a number of occasions, including on December 15, 2009, the clerical regime’s intelligence agents, who introduce themselves as journalists from the regime’s Farsi and Arab media outlets, such as Channel 1 TV and al-Alam TV, were sent to Ashraf to cause mayhem.

In circumstances where the clerical regime has arrested a large number of relatives of Ashraf residents, trying them as “mohareb” (enemy of God), and sentencing them to execution and lengthy prison terms, has over the past 5 months planted a number of its intelligence agents as Ashraf “relatives” in front of the camp’s main gate. These agents are equipped with 30 powerful loudspeakers and use them on a daily basis, to issue deafening threats against the residents to murder them and burn down Camp Ashraf. Jurists regard this as a case of flagrant psychological torture and crimes against humanity.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary General, Special Representative of the Secretary General for Iraq, UNAMI, and American government and forces who bear a direct responsibility to protect the residents and guarantee their rights on the basis of international law and bilateral agreements signed with individual residents in Ashraf, to enact urgent measures to end the 5-month presence of agents of the Iranian regime’s MOIS and terrorist Qods Force at the main gate of Ashraf, and put an end to the regime’s provocation, thereby preventing another instance of violence and massacre in Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 18, 2010