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Iranian regime’s ambassador thanks Iraqi minister of human rights for massacre in Ashraf

Camp Ashraf military occupation- No 102

The terrorist Qods Force takes over the helm of ministry of human rights on the issue of PMOI members in Ashraf

NCRI – The so called Iraqi ministry of human rights reported that clerical regime’s ambassador to Iraq Danaifar, a known member of the terrorist Qods Force, met with al-Soudani, the Iraqi minister of human rights on 9 May 2011 and at the beginning of that meeting “expressed gratitude for the positive stance that strengthens mutual relations of the two neighboring countries”.


As the Godfather of the minister of crime against humanity, Danaifar added: “Continued presence of PMOI in Iraq is not in the interest of Iraq or Iran; and if this organization was not in the Diyala province, the situation would have been more peaceful and terrorist operations would have subsided.” Reason is “that the U.S. and some European countries want to treat this dossier as a political one [and that they together with] Ad Melkert, representative of the UN in Iraq, have expressed their support for this organization.”

Danaifar went on to explain that he had previously met with the senior deputy of Iraq’s foreign ministry and had reached an agreement with him for a trilateral committee composed of Iraq’s foreign ministry, the Iranian embassy in Baghdad, and the ICRC to look into the Ashraf Base issue. He suggested that the human rights ministry would have a representative in this committee.

According to the report by the so called human rights ministry: “The Iranian ambassador added that families of PMOI members killed in recent events in Ashraf Base have requested that their bodies be transferred to Iran and the ambassador requested Iraq’s assistance in this regard…” (Iraq’s ministry of human rights website – May 9, 2011)

This official report by the so called Iraqi ministry of human rights is a clear indication that on the issue of PMOI in Ashraf, the Velayat-e faqih and the terrorist Qods Force have taken over the helm of Maliki’s government together with its foreign and human rights ministries. This abhorrent report is so revolting that it is intolerable for any noble Iraqi or any just conscience in the world.

It is now quite clear that prevention of burial of Ashraf martyrs that Maliki is insisting on for more than a month contrary to all Islamic and humanistic traditions, is by the orders of the religious fascism and the anti-human clerical regime in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 10, 2011