Iranian regime’s agents plan to stage a show outside Ashraf on Friday, November 18

Camp Ashraf military occupation- No. 161

Regime’s embassy admits to Iraqi people’s hatred against the show

NCRI – While the worldwide support for Ashraf residents and strict opposition to the repressive deadline set by the Government of Iraq for closure of Ashraf at the end of 2011 grows higher, and at the same time that entities across the world from the U.S. Congress and Senate to the European Parliament and Amnesty International, from the European Union to the U.S. government, all emphasize the need to respect Ashraf residents’ rights and to refrain from violence by the Iraqi forces, the Iranian regime and its Iraqi puppets in addition to continuing the siege and psychological torture against Ashraf residents, set new stages to massacre them.


It is more than two weeks now that the mullahs’ regime’s embassy in Baghdad, in coordination with the Committee tasked with suppression of Ashraf in the Iraqi Prime Ministry, has stationed a number of its Iraqi hirelings at Ashraf’s entrance to pretend as if  the people of Iraq support the deadline for closure of Ashraf. In addition to providing food and living facilities, the embassy pays each of its hirelings 10,000 dinars a day as their salary. They have also been promised a free tour to Mashhad (the holy city in Iran) and free treatment in Iran.
As it was stated in the NCRI statement No. 159, the mullahs’ embassy and the suppressive committee had planned to gather a bigger number of their agents outside Ashraf last Friday (November 11). However, despite all their efforts, they failed to bring a good number of them and had to cancel their program.
As a result, they are going to stage the gathering on Friday, November 18 at Ashraf’s entrance. In this regard, the military and security organs in Diyala have been tasked to attract the locals to the show through intimidation or enticement. The regime’s embassy has promised its local agents to pay them 50,000 dinars for each bus and 25,000 for each minibus bringing participants to the show. It also pays each participant 10,000 dinars.
In several sessions during last week, the regime’s embassy has asked its Iraqi agents including Nafe Issa and Ali al-Zoheiri to use everything at their disposal to hire more individuals. Nafe Issa is supposed to buy clothing and Egal –special sheikh’s headband- for the agents to disguise them as tribal sheikhs. Hadi al-Ameri, the commander or the Revolutionary Guards 9th Badr corps and Maliki’s Minister of transportation, has been tasked to gather more people for the Friday’s show.

These activities are well-known tactics of the clerical regime and Iraqi government for setting the stage for attack. In a circular letter issued before April 8th attack, deputy secretary general of Iraqi Council of Ministers Farhad Ne’matollah expressed some of indispensable instructions for setting the ground for attack on Ashraf. These “instructions” were “issued by the committee in charge of closure of camp New Iraq affiliated to the terrorist Khalq Organization, and upon the orders of Mr. Prime Minister and the Commander in Chief”. One of these instructions was “To mobilize the public opinion among tribal sheikhs and personalities in Diyala province in order to stage demonstration and demand their rights for taking back their lands from this terrorist organization.”
Ali al-Moussawi, in charge of prime ministry’s propaganda office, has assigned reporters and the media affiliated to Iraqi government and Iranian regime such as Al-Iraqiya, Al-Furat, Al-Massar, Al-Alam, Press TV and Beladi to provide media coverage for this show.
while admitting the Iraqi people’s hatred of this show, the Iranian regime’s embassy wrote  in a statement signed by “the strikers in front of Ashraf Garrison’s entrance” on November16: “Over the past days that we have been on strike, neither any political figure, nor a parliament member, nor a representative from the local Diyala government has visited us to see what our demands are, as if we are from another planet. While the satellite TV stations have visited us twice to get to know our demands, those who have reached power through our ballots are denying these alive martyrs and pay no attention to our cause.”

In another effort, the Iranian regime embassy in Baghdad, in coordination with the Iraqi government, intends to organize a press conference with the participation of a number of MOIS agents under the pretext of ex-Ashraf residents to justify the April 8th massacre and set the stage for the next one by attributing false allegations to Ashraf residents.
The Iranian resistance draws the attention of the UN, the Secretary General Special Representative for Iraq, UNAMI, the US government, and the EU to the Iranian regime’s plots for creating a bloodbath in Ashraf. It also calls for urgent action to end the obstructions made by the Iraqi government against the UNHCR’s measures and the reaffirmation of Ashraf residents’ refugee status.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 16, 2011

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