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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian regime stations its agents beside Camp Liberty

Iranian regime stations its agents beside Camp Liberty


On Wednesday night, June 10, a group of agents the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and Qods Force (QF) who have been transferred to Camp Liberty under the guise of residents’ families, were stationed for the first time in a building called “Beit Baghdadi” a few meters off the camp.

The presence of these agents at the camp’s vicinity with the protection by the Iraqi force clearly shows the plots by the Iranian regime and its proxies in Iraq for the psychological torture of the residents and paving of the way for another massacre. On June 10, these agents had been transferred to Camp Liberty by the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad and the elements of the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf residents for the second consecutive day.

Similarly, in the years 2010 and 2011, the Iranian regime hirelings who were posing as residents’ families were stationed in places near Ashraf that the embassy and Iraqi forces had prepared for them and were busy psychologically torturing the residents day and night with 320 loudspeakers.

On 2 May 2015, residents’ representative wrote in a letter to the United States and United Nations officials: “The regime’s Embassy, with the help of the Suppression Committee, tries to station these mercenaries in a location close to Liberty to engage in the psychological torture of the residents… in coordination with the regime’s embassy, on April 29, Sadeq Mohammad Kazem transferred part of the property of the residents of Ashraf to a building in the vicinity of Liberty known as Beit Baghdad (House of Baghdad) to prepare this place for stationing of these dispatched mercenaries from Iran.” He called on the U.S. government to prevent Government of Iraq from being “duped into the Iranian regime’s trap, facilitating the psychological torture and other repressive measures against the Liberty residents under any pretext.”
Meanwhile, Wednesday night (June 10), MOIS websites acknowledged the transfer of these agents to Camp Liberty and hideously threatened the residents and reported “the first night of sit-in of families in front of Liberty Transit Camp”.
On this day, IRNA state news agency reported in an article titled “Families again try to see their children and relatives in Liberty” reminded the transfer of the hirelings to Liberty in April 2015 and their meetings and coordination with Iraq’s Minister of Human Rights (affiliated with the terrorist Badr group) revealing the main objective behind these repeated theatrics: “Iraqis have filed charges in the judicial courts of that country. They have charged the leaders of this grouplet who during Iran-Iraq war have participated in the massacres conducted by Saddam’s Ba’ath regime against the uprisings in the south and the Iraqi Kurdistan termed ‘Anfal’ in the 1980s and 1990s. They are now demanding the trial of the perpetrators of those crimes.”

Given the repeated and written commitments of the United Nations and the U.S. government concerning the security and wellbeing of Liberty residents, and given the fact that the presence and stationing of hirelings in Liberty is a serious violation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and Government of Iraq in December 2011 that in addition to U.S. and UN was also endorsed by the European Union, the Iranian Resistance demands immediate action to end the psychological torture of residents under the guise of family and calls for distancing the elements of the Iranian regime from Camp Liberty vicinity no matter under what excuse they may be there.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran – Paris
June 11, 2015