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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian regime's Quds Force plans another massacre at Camp Liberty

Iranian regime’s Quds Force plans another massacre at Camp Liberty

• The residents must be immediately be returned to Camp Ashraf
• Iraqi government prevents transfer of protective vests and helmets from Ashraf to Camp Liberty

NCRI – According to the information obtained from inside Iran, the terrorist Quds Force once again intends to attack Camp Liberty with rockets and mortars in coming days with the help of Iraqi forces under command of Al-Maliki to commit another massacre.

The February 9 rocket attack on Camp Liberty that killed seven resident and wounded over 100 was carried out at the order of Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei with the cooperation by the Iraqi government. Revealing its intention for continuing such crimes against humanity, hours after the criminal attack on February 9, the Iraqi government announced that it could not prevent another rocket attacks on Camp Liberty.

On Wednesday, March 6, Iranian regime’s state-run news agency IRNA quoted the acting director of Iraq’s Ministry of Interior, Adnan Assadi, while in visit to Iran, as saying: “We do not have any limits in expanding our relations with Iran and we believe that we should have good and progressing cooperation in all fields.”

In an outright threat for paving the way for next massacre of the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Iraq, he said: “These are traitors and murderers of the people of Iraq and Iran and their presence creates trouble for Iraq’s security and stability.”

A day before, the clerical regime’s foreign ministry spokesman intimidated the countries that are willing to grant asylum to the residents of Camp Liberty and described the PMOI members as threat to stability and security.

The clerical regime is planning for another criminal attack on Camp Liberty while the Iraqi government is not allowing entry of basic items such as shovels and pickaxes that are needed for implementation of minimum civil defense measure. An Iraqi government’s representative officially declared on March 6 that the Prime Ministry office is opposed to the transfer of protective helmets and vests and even sandbags from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty to build elementary shelters.

The Iranian Resistance once again warns about another massacre in Camp Liberty and calls on the US government, the UN Security Council and Secretary General to take measures to immediately transfer the residents to Ashraf within the context of their obligations towards providing safety and security for the Camp Liberty residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 7, 2013