Iranian regime’s Qods Force plans to attack Camp Liberty upon orders from Khamenei

Iranian regime’s Qods Force plan to attack Camp Liberty upon orders from Khamenei on eve of Rouhani’s participation at UN General Assembly session

NCRI – According to reports received from inside Iran, Khamenei has tasked the Qods Force to organize further missile attacks against Iranian refugees, members of PMOI, in Camp Liberty. Attacks should happen on the eve of regime’s president Rouhani’s trip to New York to participate in the UN General Assembly that begins in the second half of September and the attack on Liberty should happen before that.

While after the presidential-election show the clerical regime is facing a critical situation and is extremely weakened, it is in dire need of slaughtering its opposition. The deadly June 15 missile attack was also planned to happen concurrent with the announcement of election results and the final order came from Khamenei at the end of the voting period on June 14.

Moreover, regime’s embassy in Baghdad has bound the Iraqi government and in particular the suppression committee in the Iraqi prime ministry to intensify its pressures on Camp Liberty and obstruct provision of essential needs of residents.

Despite three missile attacks with 10 dead and 170 injured, it is over six months that upon orders from regime of Iran, Government of Iraq is obstructing minimum essential security provisions in Camp Liberty.

In its statement of 5 April 2013, Iranian Resistance disclosed: “Moslehi (at the time Minister of Intelligence), in his report to Khamenei’s Office following his trip to Iraq, underscored that Maliki and Faleh al-Fayyaz have given assurances that return of protective T-walls, increase of the area and construction in Camp Liberty, as well as entry of sandbags will remain prohibited.” Had the T-walls not been removed, the number of dead and injured in previous missile attacks were the victims were mostly hit by shrapnel inside containers, would have been considerably less. Had helmets and protective vests been transferred to Camp Liberty, those hit in the head and chest would not have been wounded.

Previous decisions to attack Liberty were also taken by Khamenei and implementation of the operation and coordination with Government of Iraq were left to the Qods Force and regime’s embassy in Baghdad. Transfer of ammunition and operating teams took place with resources from Iraq’s Ministry of Interior and Police. Missiles and launchers were all factory-produced and their transfer demanded much resources.

On June 25, Iranian Resistance revealed a video clip it had obtained from inside the country. The audio in this film that had been shot from the launch site by the Iraqi police after the June 15 attack and the prime ministry had given it to regime’s embassy demonstrated that the operation had taken place with full cooperation of Government of Iraq and security forces and had been planned well in advance. According to this footage, launch pads had been installed in advance for the operation in an incomplete building and the attackers have operated with enough time and peace of mind and had then collected their gear and left the site with adequate time. All indications point to ill intentions of the Governemnt of Iraq for inflicting more casualties on the residents.

Given the direct responsibility of the U.S. government and the United Nations for safety and security of Camp Liberty residents, the Iranian Resistance once again urges them to adopt necessary measures to immediately return all residents to Ashraf and to provide the minimum security provisions in Camp Liberty to prevent another humanitarian catastrophe. In current situation that Kobler’s deception as to quick transfer of residents to outside of Iraq has been unraveled, any lag in return of residents to Ashraf is assistance to another slaughter.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 19, 2013

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