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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian regime’s masquerade in Iraqi Parliament against Camp Liberty residents

Iranian regime’s masquerade in Iraqi Parliament against Camp Liberty residents


Hirelings disguised as family members of Camp Liberty residents were taken to Iraqi parliament in ludicrous theatrics organized by Iranian regime’s embassy and Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents

A delegation of European, U.S. and Arab lawyers and parliamentarians ought to visit Camp Liberty

NCRI – In complicity with an infamous agent of the Qods Force, Abbas Albayati affiliated with Nouri al-Maliki, the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad and the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents headed by government’s security advisor Faleh Fayyaz, arranged for a group of regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and Qods Force hirelings disguised as the residents’ families to visit the parliament of Iraq on Tuesday, 24 November 2015, in an obvious attempt to take advantage of meetings with a number of legislators, including Messrs. Hamam Hamoudi and Arshad Salehi. The measure is intended to repeat the regime’s fabrications against Liberty residents and pave the way for future massacres.

The next stage of this theatrics was the convening of a meeting on November 25 at parliament’s Human Rights Commission, together with the suppression committee, dubbed “Supreme Committee of Camp Hurriya [Liberty] at the Prime Ministry”. In this meeting, according to the website of Parliament of Iraq, the “requests of relatives” of the residents and “their wish to see their children” in Camp Liberty “was put forward for the adoption of necessary measures by the government to arrange this visit” and moreover, “it was agreed that the file of Camp Hurriya be presented to the upcoming sessions of the parliament”.

Admission of elements of regime’s intelligence at the parliament of Iraq and forming a committee and issuing directives for them in just 24 hours comes at a time that almost a month after the heavy missile strike on Camp Liberty the Iraqi government even prevents entry of construction machinery to the camp to collect the destroyed trailers and debris and clean up the camp and it obstructs entry of the minimum security imperatives, as well as rudimentary items to repair the damaged facilities and equipment.

The Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents that handles the issues regarding Camp Liberty with Parliament of Iraq receives its orders directly from the Iranian regime embassy in Baghdad and the terrorist Qods Force. The seven massacres against Ashraf and Liberty that led to the martyrdom of 141 residents and the cruel 7-year siege of residents that has caused the death of 27 other residents have all been perpetrated under the supervision of this committee and its head Faleh Fayyaz. Criminal officers such as Sadeq Mohammed Kadhim, Ahmed Khozair and Haidar Azab Mashi that have all been directly involved in these massacres are under the command of this committee.

These suspicious histrionics are unfolding while on November 23, the letter of over 400 families of Camp Liberty residents in the United States and European countries has been published where the residents wrote: “despite our repeated application for entry visa to Iraq through various embassies in countries of our residence, Iraq has refused granting permission to enter that country…

“In these circumstances, dispatched teams of the mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry to Iraq and to Camp Liberty under the cover of so-called families of the residents have no problem entering Iraq and get through to the Camp. The mission of these teams is psychological torture of our children and relatives and been financed entirely by the Iranian regime. Based on past experience and notably the attack on October 29, proves that these activities are prelude to yet another bloodbath, this time in Liberty.
The letter adds: “We strongly urge you to call on the Iraqi Government in every way possible to grant entry visa to us to go to Camp Liberty to see our beloved children and relatives after so many years.

“The Government of Iraq, Prime Minister al-Ebadi, the US Government and the United Nations must recognize and safeguard the rights of Camp Liberty residents and maintain their security and prevent the Iranian regime’s agents approach the Camp.”

Time and again, residents have announced to the United Nations and the U.S. officials that they do not consider hirelings sent to Camp Liberty to psychologically torture them their family and they consider relating these paid hands to them as an unacceptable insult. This is while many families of the residents inside Iran are arrested, tortured and even executed because of contacting their children. These hirelings are the same elements that were psychologically torturing the residents with 320 loudspeakers for 23 months in 2010 and 2011 and who chanted: “We shall turn Ashraf into rubble and spill blood here and we shall hang you…”

The Iranian Resistance calls on the presidency of Parliament of Iraq and the legislators who wish for an independent Iraq not dominated by the Iranian regime to condemn the presence of these hirelings at the parliament and not to allow the Iranian regime and its Iraqi proxies to turn Parliament of Iraq into a tool to justify the next slaughters of the Iranian refugees that are under international protection.

If the issue of Camp Liberty is to be discussed at the parliament, then the agency to look into it is surely not the suppression committee whose officials have to stand trial for crime against humanity. At such a session, residents’ lawyers and representatives, the representatives of 4000 legislators from Europe and U.S., and the representatives of Arabic parliaments should present the file of crimes against humanity perpetrated against the residents by the Iranian regime and its proxies in Iraq (by individuals such as Maliki and Faleh Fayya) to the parliament.

Moreover, the Iranian Resistance calls on the Iraqi government to agree to a visit to Camp Liberty by representatives and lawyers of the residents inside and outside Iraq, representatives of 4000 parliamentarians at the International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ), representatives of the International Committee of Jurists in Defense of Ashraf (composed of 8500 jurists), the Arab Delegation in Defense of Ashraf, the Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf headed by Sid Ahmed Ghozali former Prime Minister of Algeria, parliamentary groups in defense of Ashraf at the European Parliament, British Parliament, U.S. Congress, and parliaments of Canada and European and Arab countries, along with representatives of parliament of Iraq, so that they assess the situation with adequate time and speak in private with the residents and to present their report to pertinent international agencies and the public. Anyone not looking to implement Iranian regime’s wishes and having Liberty as a prison and slaughtering its residents will surely welcome this suggestion that ensures respect for the principles of human rights, refugee rights, and the international conventions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 26, 2015