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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian regime’s enthusiasm for Kobler’s wife’s remarks against Camp Liberty residents

Iranian regime’s enthusiasm for Kobler’s wife’s remarks against Camp Liberty residents

NCRI – On Friday and Saturday, 22 and 23 February, state-run news outlets in Iran welcomed extensively the statement by Mrs. Kobler with regard to missile attack on Camp Liberty.

The stories where run with carrying titles such as “German ambassador to Iraq supports MEK expulsion from this country”.

Photo: Bodies of residents killed in missile attack on February 9

State-run Sahar TV said on February 23: “Britta Wagner, German ambassador to Baghdad, announced that her country supports UNAMI’s efforts for expulsion of members of Mojahedin (PMOI/MEK).”

State-run news agency ISNA, wrote on February 22, “By issuing a statement and commending efforts of Government of Iraq with regards Camp Liberty, Britta Wagner announced that her country supports UNAMI’s efforts for expulsion of PMOI/MEK from Iraq…. She also praised GoI’s efforts in formation of a fact-finding committee aimed at finding realities regarding recent attack on Camp Liberty.”

Fars News Agency, affiliated with the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), wrote in its English language website:“Germany’s Ambassador announced in a statement: ‘her government supports expulsion of the member of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (PMOI/MEk) from Iraq.”

“She added, ‘I would like to express the full support of the German federal government to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) that has monitored the transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty.’ ”

The National Council of Resistance of Iran announced on February 19: “Britta Wagner, the German Ambassador in Iraq and wife of Martin Kobler…, in her statement… , while whitewashing the crimes of the Iraqi government, praised the organization led by Kobler. Using the known tactic of swapping the victim with the henchman, she called on the ‘leadership of Camp Liberty to allow residents to enjoy their full rights’; an issue that would only pave the way for another massacre.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 24, 2013