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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian regime orders Qods Force affiliated Iraqi groups to attack Camp Liberty

Iranian regime orders Qods Force affiliated Iraqi groups to attack Camp Liberty

NCRI – According to reports received from inside Iran, Danaifar, clerical regime’s ambassador to Baghdad, has ordered Iraqi groups affiliated with the terrorist Qods Force to once again attack Camp Liberty with missiles before the end of Ramadan (August 8).

Last week, Danaifar who is also a Qods Force commander, summoned leaders of Asaib al-Haq and Iraqi Hezbollah, as well as high-ranking Iraqi security officials and elements of the Iraqi committee in the Iraqi prime ministry tasked with suppression of residents of camps Ashraf and Liberty to regime’s embassy. In the meeting regime’s ambassador told Asaib al-Haq and Hezbollah to target Camp Liberty before the end of Ramadan. Reciprocally, he promised them 107mm missiles and advanced machineguns.

In coordination with Iraqi authorities, regime’s embassy wants to time the attack such as to correlate it to the security crisis in Baghdad.

At the same time, in the meeting, regime’s ambassador told elements of the Iraqi committee to escalate pressures on Camp Liberty to make its conditions intolerable for its residents.

About six months after the February 9 attack, Government of Iraq (GoI) obstructs provision of minimum security imperatives to Camp Liberty at residents’ own expense. Hundreds of meetings, correspondence and phone calls with U.S., Iraqi and UN officials in this regard have gone nowhere.

On 5 April 2013, the National Council of Resistance disclosed: “Moslehi (Minister of Intelligence) in a report (about his trip to Iraq) to Khamenei’s Office reiterated: Maliki and Faleh al-Fayaz have given assurances that the return of protective T-walls, increasing the area or construction in Camp Liberty, and bringing of sandbags to camp that PMOI has requested to increase the security factor in Liberty will be prohibited.”

In camp’s management meeting on July 23, Iraqi government’s representative informed residents that GoI is opposed to returning of the T-walls, as well as transferring of protective vests and helmets and medical equipment from Ashraf to Liberty. He even opposed entry of 200 spades and hacks to camp to dig rudimentary trenches. Everything bespeaks of plotting for another massacre.

On February 11, the U.S. Embassy in Iraq declared that attacks similar to February 9 may recur at any time. U.S. Embassy warned on July 26: “Terror attacks have claimed lives of several hundred people since February 2013, and such terror attacks may occur at any time.”

Emphasizing on the responsibility of United States and United Nations for protection of Liberty residents, and given that they have been transferred to Camp Liberty with guarantees from U.S. and UN, the Iranian Resistance calls for immediate action to prevent a new massacre and for providing the minimum security imperatives to Camp Liberty. Preventing these provisions is considered a war crime and a crime against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 27, 2013