Iranian regime orders Maliki to suppress Iranian dissidents in Iraq



NCRI – The Iranian resistance has obtained new documents from inside the mullahs’ regime that contain repressive orders to Maliki against the Iranian opposition in Iraq on the eve of the religious dictatorship. According to these documents, that can be presented to an international tribunal, following the trip of the mullahs’ Intelligence Minister to Baghdad, simultaneous with increased infighting within the regime, new instructions have been given to the Iraqi government that include:

1- Appointment of a lawyer by the Iraqi government to expropriate Ashraf residents and to brief him on this matter. He must be explained how to present the case to the UN and US officials through Martin Kobler.

2- To ask the Red Cross to resume communication of messages and letters, organized by the Ministry of Intelligence in Tehran, to the residents of Ashraf and Liberty under the cover of their families to put pressure on the PMOI. This is designed to replace the role of 300 speakers over 677 days from February 2010 to December 2011 around Ashraf round the clock used for psychological torture of Ashraf residents.

3- Police and security forces in Liberty must intensify repressive measures against residents and avoid any flexibility towards them.

4- The relevant Iraqi bodies must control and record all telephone and electronic communications between Liberty and the outside world.

5- Imposing further restrictions on the United Nations and especially the U.S. embassy and consular visits from Liberty.

These repressive measures are while the pressing security issue of Liberty residents remains unresolved, and three and a half months after the missile attack, minimum security requirements are not met. This shows a vicious and murderous intent.

The Iranian resistance, recalling the US State Department’s August 29, 2012 statement on efforts to solve humanitarian issues in Camp Liberty and commitment to support safety and security of residents, and recalling the responsibility and obligations of the United Nations about the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, calls upon the United Nations and the US government to prevent these repressive measures.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 20, 2013

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