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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian regime officials ask Iraq to intensify suppression of Camp Liberty residents

Iranian regime officials ask Iraq to intensify suppression of Camp Liberty residents

Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the mullahs’ regime Security Council and Zohrevand, senior advisor of terrorist operations, in trip to Iraq demanded revocation of security and increasing pressure and suppressive measures for Liberty residents

According to reports received from within Iran, Shamkhani, the clerical regime’s Security Council Secretary and Qassem Soleimani, commander of the terrorist Qods Force, and other accompanying Iranian Revolutionary Guards in meetings last week with Maliki and his national security adviser Faleh Fayyaz and other Iraqi political and security officials demanded increased pressure and intensification of suppressive measures against Liberty residents.

Abolfazl Zohrevand accompanied Shamkhani and Soleimani in this trip. Zohrevand, senior adviser of Shamkhani in terrorist operation, is a known diplomat-terrorist of the regime and former ambassador to Italy and Afghanistan. In this trip, he had several meetings with Maliki aides in order to conspire aginst Liberty residents. Zohrevand demanded ever increasing pressure on PMOI/MEK members and told Iraqi government officials that Liberty residents shall not feel safe. Zohrevand emphasized the Iranian and Iraqi governments must, in a joint plan of action, make the environment for residents of Liberty increasingly less secure and more intolerable.

Iranian Resistance before the missile attack of June 15, 2013 on Liberty had warned in its statement of May 15, 2013 about the trip of Zohrevand to Iraq in order to strike a blow to PMOI/MEK on the eve of the mullahs presidential election, and had informed the US and UN officials the details of the issue.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 26, 2014