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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian regime and Iraqi suppressive committee dispatch more mullahs' media reporters and...

Iranian regime and Iraqi suppressive committee dispatch more mullahs’ media reporters and agents to

 Mullahs’ agents sent to Ashraf – Statement no. 9

NCRI – Escalation of stage-managed shows at the entrance of Camp Ashraf are aimed at covering up scandals caused by election fraud in Iraq by the Iranian regime and al-Maliki

Entering the second month of joint plots by clerical regime and the Iraqi committee for suppression of Ashraf residents, the Iranian regime dispatched a new group of its agents on Friday to Camp Ashraf to further create chaos at the camp's entrance. To continue suppression of the camp residents, the new agents who are disguised as families of Ashraf residents have been transferred from cities across Iran to replace another group that for about a month were involved in psychological torture of camp residents.

On Saturday, the Iranian regime's embassy in Baghdad in collaboration with the office of Iraqi Prime Minister took a number of reporters; including some from Iranian regime's affiliated news media (al-Aalam TV, al-Forat TV, Press TV, Kosar TV, al- Bayeneh newspaper), the Iraqi state-run TV (al-Iraqiya) and BBC Persian Service TV to the entrance of Camp Ashraf.  By such stage-managed media shows and interviews with its agents, the Iranian regime intends to pretend that the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is obstructing family visits of camp residents.

One of the aims of escalating such ghastly shows in recent days is to cover up the scandals resulted by the revelation of widespread fraud and manipulation in the Iraqi election results and efforts to enter false data in the election computer by Iranian regime, Nouri al-Maliki and his government and the block affiliated to him. The extensive fraud has prompted widespread international protests and Iraqi people's dissent.

The failed suppressive policy of dispatching the agents to the camp's entrance starting on February 8, has caused outrage and disdain among human rights activists and parliaments in various countries. While describing the ploys as prelude to another massacre of the camp residents, they warned of their dangerous consequences for the security and protection of camp residents. The Iraqi forces are providing the logistics and transportations for individuals dispatched to camp's entrance.  They warn daily the camp residents of repeat of another massacre and chant slogans such as "Death to Monafeqin (derogatory term used by mullahs against PMOI)" and "Long live the Islamic Republic"  using high powered sound systems.

Ashraf residents, as they have repeatedly declared in the past, would welcome visits to Ashraf by journalists who are not affiliated to the clerical regime’s media. The residents are open to meet and talk with journalists inside Ashraf in the absence of agents of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security and Iraqi agents and forces. They have also been demanding for removal of restrictions imposed on family visits inside Ashraf and ask for freedom of family entry into Ashraf as they took place during the years between 2003 and 2008. 

The Iraqi government has imposed an inhumane and cruel siege on Ashraf residents since early 2009 at the behest of the Iranian regime in open violation of international law. Among measures adopted against the residents have been ban on entry of their families and lawyers, human rights activists, parliamentarians and even Iraqi workers to Ashraf.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary General, UN Security Council, UNAMI, Secretary General’s Special Representative for Iraq as well as the U.S. embassy and forces in Iraq to take urgent measures to end the foul and criminal ploys breaching the International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law and prevent occurrence of a humanitarian catastrophe.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 13, 2010