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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian opposition demands clarity over UNAMI-Iran relations on PMOI (MEK)

Iranian opposition demands clarity over UNAMI-Iran relations on PMOI (MEK)

Ex-Iranian regime’s intelligence chief: the United Nations is working with us to destroy the PMOI

Iranian Resistance calls for transparent reporting on UNAMI and Martin Kobler’s relations with the Iranian regime on the PMOI and demands immediate end to such communications

Heydar Moslehi: Camp Ashraf is half of the size one of our megacities – we believe Iraqi tribes lost their lands for its development

Heydar Moslehi: PMOI’s aim is to unify Iranian opposition groups and establish a regional coalition. Their footprints can be seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s former intelligence minister Heydar Moslehi – in office until only a few weeks ago – on Wednesday (August 28, 2013) revealed his regime’s fear of the growing support for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).


Moslehi said: “Our goal is to neutralize propaganda measures intended to whitewash the PMOI. The arrogance (West) has removed it from the terror list to whitewash its conduct.”


He added that the PMOI’s role is to create ‘unity between opposition groups’ and establish a ‘regional alliance against Iran’, and that ‘their footprints can easily been seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Egypt’.


Moslehi, a known confidant of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said that ‘Camp Ashraf was half the size of one of our megacities, and in which many amenities were also provided’. He admitted that Iran wanted to close down the camp and acknowledged that the claims of expropriation of farmers’ lands to create the camp were totally fabricated by the Iranian regime.


He said: “In our follow-ups for the closure of Camp Ashraf, we concluded that many Iraqi tribes also lost their lands for the development of Ashraf.” He admitted that the notion of expropriation of farmers’ lands was fabricated in 2009 by the mullahs’ agents in Iraq and was the a pretext for the April 2011 massacre by the Iraqi forces that killed 37 residents and injured hundreds.


Moslehi also stressed that the UN representative in Iraq was complicit the regime’s plots for destroying the PMOI. He said: “Even now we have arguments with the Americans on the final disposition of the MEK in Iraq. This is even while the United Nations is working in sync with us to destroy the group.” (state-run ISNA news agency, Tasnim News affiliated to the Quds Force, IRGC affiliated YJC news agency)


Since late 2011, when Martin Kobler went to Baghdad as the Special Representative to the UN Secretary General, Camp Ashraf residents and their representatives, the Iranian resistance and supporters of residents of Camp Ashraf from around the globe, had time and again complained about involving the religious dictatorship in the dossiers on Ashraf and Camp Liberty, and had urged the UN to condemn Iran’s involvement.


Faleh Fayyadh, security adviser to Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, returned from Iran on April 24, 2012, to tell Iraq’s state-run al-Iraqiya TV: “Mr Martin Kobler, either though the Iranian Embassy [in Baghdad] or through other communication channels, has had discussions with his Iranian counterpart in order to provide the necessities to implement the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed and discussed between him and Iraq for the closure of Camp Ashraf by the year end, and also to end the presence of this organization on Iraqi soil.”


Taher Boumedra, UNAMI’s assistant on Ashraf issues, testified under oath at a hearing in the U.S. Congress on September 13, 2013: “I am here to stress and confirm that UNAMI does not have any independence. Any matter pertaining to Ashraf is decided in the office of Prime Minister and sometimes in the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad.”


The International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ), which represents 4,000 parliamentarians on both sides of the Atlantic, announced after Kobler’s trip to Tehran on May 9, 2012: “Mr Kobler’s visit to Tehran on the day after the relocation of the 5th group of the residents, raises more than ever a series of questions and concerns by all freedom-loving people, especially since in his trip to Europe in February, Mr Kobler told the European Union that the Iranian Ambassador in Iraq had set the PMOI’s transfer from Ashraf as the precondition for his visit to Iran.” The ISJ added: “We condemn the statements by the UN Secretary General’s Representative regarding Iran’s constructive role in Iraq and advise against negotiations on Ashraf and Liberty with Iran’s totalitarian regime.”


On October 7, 2012, Danaifar, the mullahs’ regime Ambassador in Baghdad and one of the commanders of the terrorist Qods Force, told al-Iraqiyah TV: “Today I met with Kobler and talked in detail about the topics regarding Ashraf and mentioned our expectations.”


On May 9, 2012, the secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran issued a statement saying: “Agents of mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence met with Martin Kobler in Hotel Laleh in Tehran and demanded the extradition of a group of Ashraf residents to the mullahs’ regime.” Kobler met a number of MOIS agents under the guise of families of Ashraf residents, the statement added.


Today there is no doubt that the closing of Ashraf, making its residents homeless and sending them to Liberty prison to be exposed to missile and mortar attacks, has been completely directed by the Iranian regime. This criminal act clearly violates many international covenants.


Therefore, in order to prevent the continuation of the process that undoubtedly leads to further massacres, the Iranian Resistance urges the United Nations to provide a transparent report on all discussions and communications between Martin Kobler and other UNAMI officials, with the Iranian regime on the fate of Ashraf and Liberty residents, and immediately prohibit any further communications. This is a necessary measure to protect the residents of Ashraf and Liberty who are recognized as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention and are considered refugees, asylum seekers and people of concern by the UNHCR.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 30, 2013