Iranian intelligence and terror agents sent to Camp Liberty in Iraq




Transfer of agents to Camp Liberty – No. 4

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday transferred a number of agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and terrorist Qods Force (QF) to the police station at Camp Liberty posing as relatives of residents. The agents were carrying signs with slogans against the residents.

The transfer took place with the assistance of Colonel Sadeq Mohammed Kadhim and Major Ahmed Khozair, Iraqi agents of the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress the residents.

Previously, on April 14 and 21, other groups of paid agents had been transferred to Camp Liberty (see NCRI secretariat’s statements on April 15, 22 and 23, 2015).

This is while no one can approach the camp without the assistance of Iraqi security forces as everyone has to go through several Iraqi checkpoints to reach the camp.

The presence of these agents in Iraq and particularly in Camp Liberty is aimed at paving the way for the next massacres and bloodbaths at camp Liberty.

Transfer of MOIS agents under the pretext of “relatives of the residents” took place in Camp Ashraf each time as a prelude to the massacres there including the massacre of September 1, 2013.

Iranian regime’s ambassador Hassan Danaifar has declared time and again in the past months that he has “continued with his endeavors to establish contact” between members of the Iranian opposition in Camp Liberty and “their families and that he would employ all the capacities of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Iraq for the purpose,” websites affiliated to the MOIS reported in October and November 2014.

From February 2010 to December 2011, the Iranian regime dispatched groups of agents under the pretext of families of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) to Camp Ashraf where they were involved in psychologically torturing the residents day and night with 320 loudspeakers.

The transfer of MOIS agents to Camp Liberty is while it is many years now that thousands of families of PMOI members have been unable to enter Iraq and meet with their loved ones despite continuous referrals to Iraqi embassies in Europe and North America.

While the Government of Iraq has turned Camp Liberty into a prison and no one, even the residents’ lawyers, is permitted to enter the camp, the transfer of these agents to Liberty that has gravely imperiled the security of the residents is a blatant violation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the government of Iraq and the United Nations on 25 December 2011.

As repeatedly declared by the Iranian Resistance, the interference of the Iranian regime in the Camp Liberty residents’ case is a red line for the residents and a criminal act. The Iranian Resistance calls on the U.S. government and the United Nations, based on their repeated and written commitments regarding the wellbeing and security of Camp Liberty residents, to urge the Government of Iraq to cease these inimical measures and to prevent the transfer of these agents to Camp Liberty, and to not permit the Iranian regime and its elements under the cloak of residents’ families to psychologically torture the Liberty residents who are all refugees that enjoy international protections.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran – Paris
June 9, 2015


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