Iran regime’s bubble of propaganda and psychological war against the Mojahedin in Ashraf bursts



Diyala Province's Security Committee member denied reports on finding corpses of Kuwaitis in Ashraf

Iraqi Parliament's Human Rights Committee member said this fabricated report was an attempt to justify the actions of Iraqi security forces in Ashraf

Islamic Party of Iraq and Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq denied signing any declaration against the residents of Ashraf

1. Iraqi Kurdistan's news agency (AKA News), reported on August17, 2009: "Following reports on the discovery of a mass grave of Kuwaiti POWs in Camp Ashraf, several officials of the Camp, Diyala Province, the Iraqi government and Parliament denied this report and described it as propaganda churned out by Diyala Province's police commander.

The same news agency quoted a member of the Iraqi Parliament's Human Rights Committee as saying, "The report on discovering a mass grave in Camp Ashraf has been framed by Iraqi security forces to legitimize their actions inside the Camp." AKA added, "On July28, the Iraqi government attacked Camp Ashraf with 1,200police, 700soldiers and 300special armed forces of Nouri Al-Maliki, the Iraqi Prime Minister."

Moreover, Ziyad Ahmed, a member of Diyala Province's Security Committee told AKA, "The reports about discovering mass graves of Kuwaiti POWs in Camp Ashraf is far from reality and claimed only by Diyala's police commander. As members of the Council for Diyala Province, we have requested the police commander to visit the Camp. But we have been told that we must have the permission of the Council of Ministers. As such, we have been unable to visit the Camp."

AKA news also quoted Nasrin Behjat, Chair of the Committee on Women and Children in the Diyala Province's Council, and added, "We have summoned Abdul-Hossein Shemeri, Diyala' police commander to take part in a meeting of the Province's Council and asked him about this report. He said that we have received reports that a mass grave for Kuwaiti POWs is in Ashraf, but this issue is yet to be resolved and nothing has been proven."

We recall that in statement number80, dated August12, 2009, the National Council of Resistance of Iran said that “in order to come to know better of the disinformation campaign by the religious fascism in Iran and its proxies in Iraq, the Iranian Resistance invites Kuwaiti officials, parliamentarians and journalists and officials from the Arab League to go to Ashraf in any numbers without any hindrance for as many days as is possible to investigate the matter and publish the results for the attention of the general public.”

It appears that the misinformation campaign and the psychological war by the clerical regime against the residents of Ashraf are being discredited one after the other.

2. On August15, 2009, Mr. Mohammed Ehsan, Minister for Foreign Territories' Affairs in Kurdistan Regional Authority in an interview with AKA denied that the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq had requested the expulsion of the People's Mojahedin from Iraq. He said, "This report is false and the Kurdistan Democratic Party has signed no such declaration. Earlier, the Iranian regime's media had claimed that a number of Iraqi parties in the United Kingdom, including the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq and Iraq's Islamic Party had signed a declaration, demanding the expulsion of the Mojahedin from Iraq.

3. Iraq's Islamic Party in London, today, denied signing such a declaration. Mr. Farid Sabri, the Party's representative in London, told the Party's website, "A number of media outlets published a declaration signed by a number of representatives of Iraq's political groupings in London concerning the attack on Camp Ashraf, which was supportive of the Iraqi government's position vis-à-vis the assault and had requested the expulsion of the residents of the Camp from Iraq, and had added my signature as the representative of Iraq's Islamic Party in the UK."

Mr. Sabri emphasized, "Iraq's Islamic Party has nothing to do with such a declaration which supports such policies and actions. Including the Party's name to such declaration must be viewed in the context of propaganda before the election and as an attempt to undercut the trust of voters and the general population for the nationalist and patriotic positions of Iraq's Islamic Party."

   4. Yesterday, Iraqi media, including the semi-official As-Sabbah and Al-Baghdadiya   television, reported that Mrs. Narmin Usman, Iraq's Minister of Environment, announced in a press conference in Karbala, "By reducing the water quota in Karoun and Sirvan rivers, the Iranian regime is pressuring the Iraqi government. The objective is to create tension between the Iraqi government and the people so as to compel the government to expel the Iranian opposition from Iraqi territory." As such, another sinister conspiracy by the religious dictatorship ruling Iran against the residents of Ashraf has been exposed.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 18, 2009

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