Iran regime embassy and Iraqi Committee measures to psychologically torture PMOI member, Camp Liberty residents


NCRI – On April 14 and 21, 2015, the Iraqi Governmental Committee at Iraqi Prime Ministry tasked to suppress residents of Camp Liberty took Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and terrorist Qods Force agents to the camp under the pretext of residents’ families. The travel of these agents to Iraq and their stay has been arranged by regime’s embassy in Baghdad.

According to reports from inside the regime, in addition to the security forces, the vehicle carrying these hirelings was accompanied by a vehicle carrying representatives of the Governmental Committee and Iraq’s Human Rights Ministry. These transfers are conducted in complete secrecy and when these mercenaries are present, Iraqi forces are placed on alert and any commute to and from the camp’s police station is announced prohibited so that no one would learn of the presence of these elements.

According to reports, these mercenaries are stationed in Nasseir Township in Saleheyeh district of Baghdad, close to the regime’s embassy. With the help of the Governmental Committee, regime’s ambassador and embassy are trying to find a place of residence for these elements close to Camp Liberty in order to dispatch more groups of agents to Liberty under the cloak of family.

These reports also indicate that the clerical regime is trying to get the United Nations directly or indirectly involved in this project in order to justify this anti-human scheme.

The Iranian Resistance emphasizes that the dispatch of these mercenaries paves the way for another bloodbath in Camp Liberty and given that the presence of these elements is in blatant contradiction to the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and the Iraqi government on 25 December 2011 and an unquestionable breach of the International Refugee Law, it calls on the United States and the United Nations who have repeatedly and in writing committed themselves to the wellbeing and security of Liberty residents to take urgent action to obstruct any movement under whatever pretext by the Iranian regime and its proxies and hirelings around Camp Liberty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran – Paris
April 23, 2015

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