Iran regime admits dispatching agents to Camp Liberty to pave way for bloodshed


Transfer of hirelings to Camp Liberty – No. 5

Subsequent to the release of a statement by the Iranian Resistance on Tuesday, June 9, disclosing the regime’s ominous plans to pave the way for further bloodshed at Camp Liberty by dispatching a group of its agents to the camp, the clerical dictatorship acknowledges their plans for carrying the repressive measures.

The official state-run news agency IRNA reported on agents’ arrival at camp describing them as “a group of the families of Mojahedin [People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)]” who “try to visit their relatives and children who are in Camp Liberty.”

The reports said the agents were also dispatched to Camp Liberty in April and held meetings with ‘Iraq’s Minister of Human Rights’ affiliated with the terrorist Badr Organization and made coordination with.

The report by IRNA exposed the aims of the agents by reporting their interviews with Iraq’s state TV in which they made threats against the residents by having them arrested and tried in Iraq.

At the same time, for the second consecutive day on Wednesday morning, June 10, a number of agents were transferred to Camp Liberty by Sadeq Mohammed Kadhim and Ahmed Khozair, two officials of the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress camp residents. These criminals were both directly involved in the previous massacres of residents in Camp Ashraf.

The Iranian Resistance has numerously disclosed in its statements, including those of April 15, 22 and 23 and June 9, 2015 and in letters to the United Nations and the United States that the objective of the transfer of these agent is to conduct further massacres in Camp Liberty as it was proven in previous massacres in Camp Ashraf, including the one on 1 September 2013.

Residents’ representative wrote to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and U.S. officials on April 21: The transfer of these hirelings “unquestionably endanger the security of PMOI members in Camp Liberty and pave the way for future massacres and bloodsheds in this camp. These measures clearly violate the 25 December 2011 Memorandum of Understanding signed between Government of Iraq and the United Nations, as well as the written and repeated commitments by the United Nations regarding the security and wellbeing of Camp Liberty residents.” The residents’ representative urged them to “prevent the dispatch of Iranian regime’s agents and mercenaries to Liberty under whatever pretext and thus prevent Government of Iraq from once again becoming a puppet of the clerical regime and the Qods Force in an anti-human project to psychologically torture Camp Liberty residents”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran – Paris
June 10, 2015


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