Iran: Plots of the mullahs’ regime for perpetrating crimes against Ashraf residents

Plots and fabrications of the mullahs’ regime designed to set the stage for perpetrating crimes against Ashraf residents

NCRI – Parallel to arresting families of Ashraf residents at Tehran airport, the mullahs' regime has devised an extensive scheme to plot and fabricate cases in order set the stage for perpetrating crimes against the residents of Ashraf in Iraq.

Today, January 19, 2009, simultaneous with the Iraqi National Security Advisor’s trip to Tehran and his talks with the Secretary of the mullahs’ Supreme National Security Council, his office claimed in an absurd and outrageous lie that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI [MEK]) had ordered an individual to “carry out a suicide mission in the Iraqi security forces headquarters” and that “the leaders of this organization in Camp Ashraf had planned such a gruesome act.”

Last week, at a meeting at Hotel Mansour in Baghdad, the regime’s agents called for the murder of Ashraf residents, and distributed forms for filing complaints and opening judicial cases against the PMOI. An individual introduced by the regime’s television as “Deputy of Iraq’s National Security Advisor,” endorsed the illegal calls issued at this meeting, in contrast to the Iraqi government’s declared commitments to respect the PMOI’s human rights.

The Iranian Resistance warns about the plots, provocations and fabrications of the mullahs’ regime against Ashraf residents and reiterates that the claim about a suicide attack is an absolute lie. The individual in question, Maki Rafii, who had taken refuge at Ashraf after coming from Iran when the Iraq war started in Mach 2003, had decided to leave Ashraf. On Tuesday, January 15, 2009, after submitting a written request and receiving financial assistance from the PMOI, he went to Iraqi forces at Ashraf’s gate. U.S. forces came to the scene later and took him away. Two days later, the U.S. forces handed him to Iraq’s Ministry of Human Rights to determine his final disposition. The letters of this individual along with the receipt of financial assistance from the PMOI are available and ready to be published.

These provocations and baseless lies are in breach of international conventions, especially Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, and violate the Iraqi government’s written assurances to the United States and the international community regarding the humane treatment and respect for the rights of Ashraf residents.

The Iranian Resistance demands the Iraqi government, the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, and the Multi-National Force-Iraq deny the false accusation of suicide mission as well as to confront the mullah regime’s plots. The Iranian Resistance calls upon the UN Secretary General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and other responsible international authorities to defend the rights of Ashraf residents in accordance with international laws and conventions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 20, 2009

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