Iran: Ashraf resident’s father threatened with death sentence



NCRI – Pressure on families of PMOI members and Ashraf residents have been increased by the Iranian regime and many of them sentenced to long prison terms charged with “mohareb” (enemy of God). This is while in the past two months a number of agents of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) have been gathered outside Camp Ashraf in Iraq posing as families of the camp’s residents. These agents have been brought to the entrance gate of Ashraf to cause tension and torture psychologically its residents.

On April 6, Mr. Hamid Haery, 60, father of a PMOI member residing in Ashraf, was tried in a kangaroo court while he was in a critical state due to his ailments and the tortures and physical and mental pressures he had endured. The henchman posing as judge in the court threatened him with death sentence.

Mr. Haery who was denied a defense lawyer was brought into the court handcuffed to another prisoner. He could hardly walk. The so-called judge Moqiseh was a member of the “death committee” in 1988 responsible for massacre of thousands of political prisoners.

The intelligence agents of the regime arrested him in a raid on his home on December 6, 2009, and took him to Tehran’s notorious Evin prison. In 1980s he was arrested for assisting his brother to run away and subsequently jailed for three years where he was subjected to brutal tortures. He is still suffering from the tortures he had endured. He is suffering from various ailments including heart problem. He has already had two heart attacks. The regime’s agents refuse responding to his family’s enquiries about his state.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations, in particular the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to take urgent measures to probe the critical state of political prisoners in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 8, 2010

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