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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyInternational call to save the lives of Ashraf’s critically wounded residents

International call to save the lives of Ashraf’s critically wounded residents

Camp Ashraf  military occupation – NO.76

NCRI – Twelve critically wounded Ashraf residents could lose their lives:

– Gholamreza Khorrami has suffered a broken skull, brain concussion and hemorrhage, broken arm and teeth, and torn lips due to heavy blows by Iraqi attackers armed with sticks and clubs.

– Mohsen Khosravani has suffered five different wounds due to gunfire and shrapnel.

– Ahmad Nazem-Zomorrody was shot in the head that damaged his cerebellum, causing him to lose his eyesight. He is currently suffering from dizziness and severe headaches.

– Akbar Rabi’i was run over twice by HUMVEEs. He has received serious injury to the abdomen and chest area, breathing very hard and is in critical condition.

– Mojtaba Shadbash is suffering from various bone fractures and serious wounds due to gunshot and being run over by a HUMVEE.

Mohammad Ali Saif, Karamiar Moradi, Ja’far Babai’i and Bahman Attighi all are suffering from gunshot wounds. Iraqi soldiers removed them forcibly from Baquba hospital and returned them to Ashraf, before receiving necessary medical care. These patients stay in serious and some in critical condition. A number of them are currently in coma. All of them are in need of serious and urgent medical attention.

The total number of residents wounded in the massacre of 8 April, in Camp Ashraf are 346, with 225 suffering from gunshots, grenade explosions and various types of shrapnel.
Despite orders issued by the US Secretary of Defense on providing medical care for Ashraf’s wounded, which has been covered numerous times by the media, the US forces only transferred 7 of Ashraf’s wounded residents– equaling to 2% of the total– to their hospital. Ashraf residents’ referrals and letters requesting US forces to transfer the remaining wounded, especially those in critical and dangerous conditions, have to this day remained unanswered.

Furthermore, Ashraf’s physicians have requested from the very beginning to transfer the critically wounded to a hospital in the city of Erbil at their own expense. UNAMI has been completely informed in this regard and all details have been provided.

However, the Ashraf Suppression Committee in the Iraqi Prime Ministry – specifically Sadeq Mohammad Kazem who is under prosecution by the Spanish National Court – has been causing obstructions on this issue by deliberately referring the wounded to the so called New Iraq Hospital which in fact is a torture chamber. Their goal, similar to previous cases and the examples such as the late PMOI member Mehdi Fat’hi, is to suffer Ashraf patients and wounded to death unless they take part in TV shows broadcasted against Ashraf to cover up Maliki’s bloody hands and his role in this grave crime.

Ironically, the Iraqi Health Minister is acting like a“Gestapo Minister” and in an all-out false report about the conditions of the New Iraq torture chamber, describes the bogus medical services at this torture chamber similar to that of the high-class medical clinics! The minister has even reported to the Iraqi President, Head of Parliament and Prime Minister, all the measures taken by Ashraf’s medical team for the patients during the past year and at the expense of Ashraf residents, as actions carried out by the so-called New Iraq Hospital! UNAMI is informed of each and every case of medical treatment and services provided by Ashraf’s medical team for the camp’s patients, including transferring a number of patients to Erbil at the enormous expense of the PMOI. However, Mr. Minister refrains to mention that the facility and all of the equipment and installed devices of the “New Iraq Hospital” were constructed, purchased and provided by Ashraf residents and presented to him.

The Iranian Resistance calling on international community to save the lives of Ashraf’s critically wounded residents suggests three options:

1- Requests from US President, Secretary of State and Defense to transfer all of Ashraf’s wounded residents, especially the 12 above mentioned cases, to the US forces’ military hospital located near Ashraf and provide treatment until their full recovery. Needless to say that all expenses will be provided by Ashraf residents.

2- Requests UN Secretary General, the UN Security Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Iraq and the EU High Representative to immediately intervene to transfer all wounded Ashraf residents to hospitals in the city of Erbil, away from the suppression and restrictions imposed by the Iraqi government and the Ashraf Suppression Committee, and/or immediately transfer the critically wounded residents to European countries for treatment at the expense of the Iranian Resistance.

3- Calls on the US, EU and the UN to demand the Iraqi government to recognize free access to medical services for Ashraf’s wounded residents – as seen in all countries and civilized societies – so they can seek necessary treatment in public hospitals and private clinics at their own expense.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 22, 2011