Installation of pre-built walls in camp Ashraf streets, hitting and striking Mojahedin members by clubs and batons and firing into the air: 6 residents are wounded



Camp Ashraf military Occupation – No. 51

NCRI – During another incursion in the morning of Wednesday, April 13, the suppressive Iraqi forces started to install prebuilt walls in the middle of the 100th and 400th streets, two of Camp Ashraf’s main streets, and attempted to seal off the Laleh square, where the two streets intersect, by placing barbed wires all over the square. To get this done, the Engineering Corps of the 5th Army and a number of other suppressive forces with clubs and batons and using 6 armored vehicles and Humvees arrived at the location.

A number of Mojahedin members who were present at the scene, protested such aggressive and suppressive act. The suppressive forces fired many rounds into the air and attacked the Mojahedin members using the sticks and batons which resulted in wounding of 6 residents, although the protestations continued.

Such actions reveal the ominous intentions of al-Maliki and his suppressive forces who are ready to commit more atrocities at the orders of Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Iranian regime. Reminding, once more, the responsibilities of the United States in protection of Camp Ashraf residents, the Iranian Resistance reiterates the necessity of removal of Iraqi forces from Camp Ashraf and taking on the responsibility for its protection by the American forces and the United Nations.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 13, 2011

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