Installation of eavesdropping devices on 15-meter-tall towers adjoining Camp Liberty



Camp Liberty-No. 7

NCRI – Based on reports received from inside the mullahs’ regime, the terrorist Quds Force and the mullahs’ intelligence ministry, with the assistance of the Government of Iraq, have installed sophisticated eavesdropping devices on 15-meter-tall towers adjacent to Camp Liberty to overhear the residents’ conversations. According to these reports, the eavesdropping devices are installed in a way which would cover the trailers used for the residents’ accommodation.
On the other hand, as pointed out in statement ‘Camp Liberty- No. 4’, powerful espionage cameras have been installed at various points of the camp to monitor all activities inside the camp.

Based on same reports, the output of the eavesdropping devices and espionage cameras are provided to the Iranian regime which would seriously threaten the security of residents and their families.
 These eavesdropping devices and espionage cameras are installed while Iraqi armed forces are also stationed in a command headquarters and three subsidiary stations inside the camp and the police patrols roam inside the camp. Moreover, Iraqi forces have occupied two other centers inside the camp under the pretext of ‘medical center’ and ‘human rights center’ whose job is nothing but to impost pressure and control on the residents.
This situation leaves no doubt that Camp Liberty is a very highly controlled prison whose levers are in the hands of religious fascism ruling Iran that hereby intends to annihilate its main opposition.
According to a document disclosed in the NCRI statement on February 21 (Camp Liberty-No. 6), after the relocation of a number of Ashraf residents, Iraqi Prime Ministry assured the mullahs’ regime that “PMOI  in Liberty will be under direct control of Iraqi forces” and these conditions “would paralyze this organization and … in Liberty they would be like the dead.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 21, 2012

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