Infectious meningitis outbreaks in Camp Liberty after missile attack

Infectious meningitis outbreaks in Camp Liberty after missile attack

Call for international investigation and immediate transfer residents to Camp Ashraf to prevent further tragedies

NCRI – Four weeks after the rocket attack on the camp Liberty, a number of residents are suffering from severe headaches, earache and infectious meningitis due to shock waves, explosions and pollution.

Mohammad Reza Moazedi, a resident in Section 6 of the camp who has been suffering from severe aches in his ears was hospitalized yesterday in Baghdad as prescribed by an Iraqi physician but has fallen into state of coma few hours after arriving in hospital.


The physical state of Mahmud Dehghan, another resident in the same section who was hit by shock waves caused by rocket blast on February 9 has been suffering from severe headaches is deteriorated. He was suffering from a very high fever and therefore was urgently transferred to a hospital in Baghdad on Sunday, March 3.

Physicians with specialty in the field have diagnosed that both patients are suffering from infectious meningitis which is a rare and dangerous disease. None of them had any precedence of such diseases.
Having reviewed the state of both patients, Iraqi specialists stressed that the blast waves have caused changes in the environment activating the microbes to enter the blood of the patients through mouth, nose and ear to reach the membranes covering the brain, and the strokes on their brains caused by the blast has expedited the disease process.

According to the experts, other people who have been present in the blast site are exposed to this disease and must urgently take preventive actions. Camp Liberty residents are deprived of the least medical facilities and in an inhumane act, the Iraqi government has prevented them from transferring the medical equipments owned by them from Ashraf to Camp Liberty.

Iranian Resistance, stresses upon the responsibilities and obligations of the U.S. government and the United Nations regarding the security and safety of residents, as political refugees and protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the US government, the United Nations and other relevant organizations such as the World Health Organization to launch an investigations and to immediately take care of this critical situation which can spread throughout the Camp Liberty.

Given that the residents have no security in Camp Liberty and the Iraqi government has declared it can do nothing to stop the rocket attacks, and the known agents of the Iranian regime and al-Maliki have threatened to carry out further attacks, the Iranian Resistance urges the US government and the United Nations to immediately transfer the Camp Liberty residents to Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 5, 2013


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