Imminent meeting of an Iranian regime delegation with Maliki



Camp Ashraf military occupation – No. 107

New mission of agent Nafe Issa against Ashraf

NCRI – According to reports received from within the clerical regime, a delegation from the clerical regime is soon to come to Iraq to meet with Maliki and give him new orders. In this meeting, Maliki would provide a report on his suppressive measures against Ashraf and his future plans in this regard.


On the other hand, Nafe Issa, a well-known agent of the clerical regime, returned back to Iraq this week from a visit to Iran. The purpose for his visit of few days was to receive his new orders against Ashraf. He received many of his orders and briefings directly from henchman Ali Aqa Mohammadi, a commander of the terrorist Qods Force and a member of regime’s Supreme National Security Council. Upon his return to Iraq he met with the Iranian ambassador in Baghdad together with a number of other agents of the clerical regime guised as Sheiks of the region.

This agent has been ordered to arrange a conference of the so called Sheiks of tribes against the PMOI inviting the press and TV stations. Following his return from Iran, he has been busy making preparations for this conference. In addition, he has been ordered to arrange for a demonstration after the conference in front of Ashraf where paid elements of the Iranian embassy would partake.
In another development on Monday, May 23, 2011 a human rights delegation from Baquba came to Ashraf to visit the camp based on information it had received from international sources regarding violation of the rights of Ashraf residents. However, suppressive forces prevented them from entering Ashraf and conditioned their visit to an official permit from the prime ministry.
Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 28, 2011

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