Gov. of Iraq refuses to handover bodies of Camp Liberty attack victims for burial

• 24 days after the missile attack on Camp Liberty, Iraqi government refuses to handover bodies of the slain and prevents transfer of security requirements from Ashraf to Camp Liberty

• An Iraqi security source: Jaish Al-Mukhtar is pseudonym for Hezbollah and Assaeb al-Haq and Maliki is informed on this in detail

NCRI – Although it is 24 days after the criminal missile attack on Camp Liberty, forces under command of Iraqi Prime Ministry refuse to handover the bodies of the slain for burial using various pretexts. The objective of this inhuman act which is stark contrast to Islamic traditions is psychological torture of Liberty residents.

In addition, in the past twenty-four days, the Iraqi Prime Ministry obstructs many basic measures to reduce residents’ vulnerability to similar attacks, including:

• Preventing transfer of civil defense equipment such as helmets and bulletproof vests from Ashraf to Camp Liberty. This equipment was recognized during the protection of Ashraf by U.S. forces.

• Preventing entry of sandbags, shovels and hacks for constructing rudimentary shelters.

• Opposing transfer of crane and flatbed truck.

• Preventing transfer of T-walls to the camp for protecting containers.

In another development, an Iraqi security official revealed: “Jaish Al-Mukhtar is a fictitious army and operations it is blamed for are operations that are carried out by Kataeb Hezbollah and Asaib Ahl Al-Haq… Those who command Kataeb Hezbollah and paramilitary forces are affiliated with Iran. Briefing of the hirelings and supervising their activities is conducted from a headquarters in Baghdad.” This security official stipulated: “Maliki as the Commander in Chief of armed forces is informed of all this information in detail, together with sources, names, armed caches, and those who financially support these groups from abroad.” (Asharqiya TV – 1 March 2013)

In its statement of February 13, the Iranian Resistance had declared: “Since everyone knows that Kataeb Hezbollah is a terrorist group created by mullahs’ regime that operates in coordination with Maliki’s office, the clerical regime and Government of Iraq resorted to a new scheme to mislead; hence, they created a fictitious terrorist group called Jaish Al-Mokhtar to wash off their bloody hands from this crime… In a deceitful move, Maliki ordered the arrest of Mullah Battat, head of Jaish Al-Mokhtar… Jaish al-Mokhtar announced its existence on February 4… hours after this declaration a group of Maliki’s terrorists conducted a military parade in Sanaeh Club in Baghdad with protection from army and police forces.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 4, 2013

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