Formation of Iraqi forces return to state prior to UNAMI visit to Ashraf

In a surprise move on the morning of May 28, 2009, the Iraqi police force attacked Ashraf at its entrance. They imposed a siege and for two months they exerted mounting pressures, threats and restrictions on Ashraf. Finally on July 28, 2009, they launched a brutal attack on Ashraf residents killing them savagely together with other suppressive forces at the behest of Khamenei who is engulfed in a nationwide uprising in Iran


Iranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 78

NCRI – In our statement number 75 on attack against Ashraf, it was reported that the Iraqi forces on Monday morning, August 10, were trying to cover up their crimes by changing orientation of forces and normalizing the situation to the state prior to a visit to Ashraf by a delegation from United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). As part of their efforts the number of armed forces, club wielders and plainclothes forces were reduced and armored vehicles were removed from Laleh square.

Iranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 78

NCRI – In our statement number 75 on attack against Ashraf, it was reported that the Iraqi forces on Monday morning, August 10, were trying to cover up their crimes by changing orientation of forces and normalizing the situation to the state prior to a visit to Ashraf by a delegation from United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). As part of their efforts the number of armed forces, club wielders and plainclothes forces were reduced and armored vehicles were removed from Laleh square.

Truncheons, axes, belts with sharp metals on their tips were taken away from Iraqi forces inside the Camp and given plastic batons. Magazines for the guns were taken from the forces and the heavy machine gun which was directed at the PMOI members was taken down and vehicles with hot water cannons left Laleh square.

But, as soon as the UNAMI delegation left Ashraf at 4:00 pm the same day (Monday), the Iraqi forces returned the situation to what it was prior to the delegation’s visit. The plastic batons were collected and axes, belts and wooden truncheons were given back to the forces. Humvee armored vehicles and water cannons, arms and BKC heavy machine guns are back in position again.

Videos and pictures from the Iraqi forces’ efforts to normalize the situation in Ashraf prior to the visit and return to original state after the departure of the UN delegation from Ashraf have been provided to the delegation.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 12, 2009

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