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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyFor 12th week Iraq blocks entry of gasoline to Iranian camp

For 12th week Iraq blocks entry of gasoline to Iranian camp


In winter and rainy weather, it is 12 weeks that Government of Iraq is preventing gasoline from getting to Camp Liberty

NCRi – As the siege on Camp Liberty continues, for the twelfth consecutive week, Government of Iraq has prevented gasoline from getting to the camp and since the early days of December, not a drop of gasoline has entered Liberty. The gasoline purchased by residents during the past three years has solely been used for a very limited number of public service or passenger vehicles that are used to distribute food and daily necessities of residents or for the commute of the sick and the injured who are unable to walk on the gravelly and muddy roads of the camp.

As gasoline is not allowed into the camp, even emergency patients can no longer be transferred to the Iraqi clinic in the camp and they arrive after much delay. Preventing gasoline in the cold and rainy season has made life much more difficult for the patients and injured and the elderly.

In the past three months, the residents and their representatives have brought up this anti-human measure to UNAMI on a daily basis and in their many correspondences have informed the UN and U.S. government officials. Regrettably, no effective measures have been taken in this regard. Preventing gasoline to enter the camp in practice leads to a torture of patients and the injured and is thus an anti-human measure that gravely and flagrantly breaches the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and Government of Iraq on 25 December 2011.

Given the commitments of the U.S. government and the United Nations regarding the security and wellbeing of Camp Liberty residents, the Iranian Resistance is calling for their immediate intervention to end this tyrannical siege that is imposed by Government of Iraq and for gasoline to enter the camp.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 23, 2015