Maliki obstructs release of medical examination report of September 1 Camp Ashraf massacre victims

Based on new documents from inside Iran, Iranian Resistance declares: Maliki obstructs release of medical examination report of September 1 Camp Ashraf massacre victims in fear of consequences of his crimes against humanity

• Coroner’s office underscores that most victims were killed by gun shots to their heads and many were executed with their hands tied.

According to reliable documents and reports from inside Iran, upon orders from the Iranian regime to bar disclosure of the extent of the September 1st atrocity and to escape the consequences of crime against humanity, in an anti-human measure contradicting Islamic teachings, it is about four months that Maliki refuses to handover the bodies of the martyrs to their families and friends in Camp Liberty for burial and prevents the autopsy reports from Baghdad Coroner’s Office to be acted upon. According to these documents and reports:

1. On September 5, bodies of the martyrs were referred by Baquba coroner’s office to “Baghdad Coroner’s Office Management” for autopsy and investigations.

2. Autopsy on all bodies was performed on September 8 and 9 by the responsible physician at Baghdad Coroner’s Office and the official reports on these autopsies have one by one been written and signed on September 17 by the responsible physician. In part of the autopsy reports that were accessible, details of the wounds and reason of death of each person has been put in ink with most stating “cause of death” as “bullet wound” to the head.

3. In numerous cases in the coroner’s office reports, including in the cases of EbrahimAssadi and Rahman Mannani, it is explicitly stated that “hands were tied in the back by metal handcuffs”. This is while Maliki’s sham investigations had claimed that no handcuffs were seen on the bodies of the death!

4. Baghdad Coroner’s Office Management had prepared the autopsy reports on all martyrs on September 19 in sealed envelopes ready to be handed over to “The New Iraq Police Center / Diyala” (Ashraf police center). However, fearful of disclosure of other aspects of this atrocity and exposing its perpetrators, the Iraqi Prime Ministry prevented these documents to be handed over to the investigative judge in Khalis. Upon orders from the investigative judge, the Ashraf police center sends police officers to get these files on several occasions, including on November 5, but the Prime Ministry obstructs transfer of these files to the investigative judge.

5. Finally on December 1, following repeated follow ups by the investigative judge, just reports of autopsy on 16 bodies (and not all of the 52 bodies) are handed over to the Ashraf police.

6. Interesting is that since bodies of the martyrs were handed over to Baghdad Coroner’s Office and although the autopsies were still incomplete, Baghdad Coroner’s Office director acted in advance and on September 8 requested from Azamiyeh Examining Magistrate to agree with burying the martyrs in Baghdad cemetery since they have no relatives and no one has referred to receive the bodies.

7. It is reminded that on September 2, bodies of the martyrs were handed over by Ashraf residents to Mr. Francesco Motta, UNAMI Chief of Human Rights Office in Iraq, and the Iraqi forces and the bodies were transferred to Baquba Hospital. Hence, in a short time span, the autopsies and legal procedures were concluded and there were no obstacles to prevent handing over the bodies to residents.

8. UNAMI representatives, or any other impartial international organ for that matter, were not present during the process of autopsies in breach of the primary agreement. This was while one of the conditions set by Ashraf residents to handover the bodies was for UNAMI representative to be present during the autopsies.

In fear of the consequences of crime against humanity and to wash his bloody hands and to pave the way for future atrocities, Maliki is unsuccessfully attempting to destroy all the evidence. Preventing the handover of bodies of the martyrs and obstructing the procedure for coroner’s office files are among such steps. Repeatedly in the past four months, in meetings, phone calls, and their correspondence with U.S. and UN officials, and also in dozens of Camp Liberty Daily Reports that are sent by residents’ legal advisor to all pertinent officials, residents and their representatives and lawyers have demanded to receive bodies of the martyrs and to bury them.

Similarly, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, including in the international conference in Paris on December 7 and the official meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the Italian Senate on December 18, has numerously condemned taking hostage bodies of martyrs by Iraqi government and called for an end to this anti-human treatment.

Once again, the Iranian Resistance underscores the imperative to conduct an independent and thorough investigation by United Nations into the September 1 massacre in Ashraf and the referral of its dossier to the International Criminal Court and it considers any delay in this matter as paving the way for the future atrocities. Silence and inaction in face of crime against humanity emboldens criminals such as Khamenei and Maliki in continuing with their atrocities and denying the truth.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 26, 2013

——————————————————  Assadi ————————————————–


English Translation:

Part of Iraqi coroner’s office conclusions
regarding Ebrahim Assadi one of the 52 victims of September 1 massacre in Camp Ashraf
Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Health
Minister’s Office
Coroner’s Office Institute
No: 24977
Date: September 9, 2013
Technical No: 14450 on September 8, 2013
To: Iraq al-Jadid Police Center / Diyala

Concerning request for autopsy no. 6955 issued on September 2, 2013, below is the report of coroner’s office autopsy on the deceased EbrahimAssadi. Please study it. With thanks
Note: This report is sent to you placed in an envelope sealed with red seal.
On behalf of Dr. MonjedSalaheddin Ali Reza
Director of Coroner’s Office Institute
Dr. RaoufQassimRasoul
Cononer’s Office Advisor
Report on autopsy by Coroner’s Office
I, the undersigned, …carried out the autopsy on EbrahimAssadi’s corpse at 9 a.m. of September 8, 2013 and the result is as follows:
External trauma
– Both hands were tied from behind by metal handcuff.
– ….
– Entry of bullet is circular with 1.4 cm diameter… Place of entry of bullet is on the left temple a little to the front and the exit is from back the head on the right.
…. Bleeding of the brain
After being informed of the request for autopsy and after observations in the autopsy of EbrahimAssadi’s corpse, the following are determined.
1. Fracture, tear and bleeding is caused by one bullet fired at the head
4. From the exit spot of the bullet from the head the type and caliber of the bullet and weapon cannot be determined.
Physician of Coroner’s Office Institute
17 September 2013


————————————————————————— Manani ————————————————————

English Translation:

regarding Rahman Manan one of the 52 victims of September 1 massacre in Camp Ashraf
Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Health
Minister’s Office
Coroner’s Office Institute
No: 24764
Date: September 17, 2013
Technical No: 14593 on September 9, 2013
To: Iraq al-Jadid Police Center / Diyala
Concerning request for autopsy no. 6965 issued on September 2, 2013, below is the report of coroner’s office autopsy on the deceased Rahman Manan. Please study it. With thanks
Note: This report is sent to you placed in an envelope sealed with red sealer.
On behalf of Dr. MonjedSalaheddin Ali Reza
Director of Coroner’s Office Institute

Report on autopsy by Coroner’s Office
I, the undersigned, …carried out the autopsy on Rahman Manan’s corpse at 9 a.m. of September 8, 2013 and the result is as follows:
External trauma
1. Both hands are tied from behind.
3. Entry of bullet is circular from mid-back of the head and exit is from the left eye.
4. No other signs of using external force is seen…
1. Following observations in autopsy on the body of the deceased Rahman Manan with Iranian nationality it is determined that the fracture, tear and bleeding is caused by a bullet entering the head which has caused the death.
2. ………..
3. Direction of bullet: from behind to front, a little from below to up and from right to left
4. ………….
5. From place of exit of the bullet the type and caliber of the bullet and the weapon used cannot be determined. End
Physician of Coroner’s Office Institute
15 September 2013


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