Disclosure of document: al-Maliki’s instruction for April 8th attack on Ashraf



Camp Ashraf military occupation – No. 140

Al-Maliki has ordered the attack to be justified using the excuse of occupation of agricultural lands, and the judiciary to lodge complaint against Ashraf residents

NCRI – According to a document received recently by the Iranian Resistance from inside the Iranian regime, Farhad Ne’matollah Hussein, deputy Secretary General of Iraq’s Council of Ministers, a few days prior to the April 8th criminal attack- in a letter on behalf of Nouri al-Maliki to the office of the Armed Forces General Command, Defense Ministry, Baghdad Operation Command and Diyala Operation Command- has ordered to occupy parts of Camp Ashraf through a military action. Based on this letter, Maliki has ordered the aggressors to simultaneously propagate that the lands belong to the farmers and had been seized by the PMOI aggressively. It also orders to file complaints against Ashraf residents before judicial authorities and to compel sheikhs and tribes of Diyala province to demonstrate against Ashraf.

This four-article instruction,  which its copies were provided to Khamenei’s office, Quds Force, IRGC, MOIS and Foreign Ministry of the mullahs’ regime, clearly demonstrates, as the Iranian Resistance had previously announced, the criminal campaign against Ashraf is conducted by Nouri al-Maliki himself, his offices and the Committee tasked with repression of Ashraf that is under his direct control.
With no ambiguity the document shows such a claim that the farmers’ lands were seized by Ashraf residents is an absurd lie that Maliki, as instructed by the Quds Force, has exploited to justify his antihuman crime and has ordered to compel the local tribes and sheikhs to demonstrate against Ashraf. The most ridiculous part is that Maliki, as the Prime Minister, has officially ordered the judiciary system to lodge complaint against Ashraf residents.

Considering that the document leaves no doubt that Maliki, as the Prime Minister and the Commander in Chief and the Defense Minister, is directly responsible for crime against humanity in Ashraf, continuing protection of Ashraf by the Iraqi forces means nothing but further massacre and killing of Ashraf residents. Accordingly, the Iranian Resistance once again calls on the United Nations and the U.S. to assume protection of Ashraf and to station UN permanent monitoring team there. Otherwise, it goes without saying that they will be directly accountable for any harm by the Iraqi forces against Ashraf residents.
The document and its translation are enclosed.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 4, 2011

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