Deputy Assistant U.S. Secretary of State, UN and UNHCR visit Camp Liberty, talk with PMOI representatives



NCRI – On Monday September 16, Ambassador Brett H. McGurk, Deputy Assistant to U.S. Secretary of State, accompanied by the Acting Special Representative of UN Secretary General and delegations from UN and UNHCR, visited Camp Liberty and the hunger strikers, and held talks with senior representatives of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

They also met with the 42 survivors of the September 1 massacre at Camp Ashraf, as well as the family members of the victims and the seven residents taken hostage.

PMOI representatives thanked Ambassador McGurk for his visit and stressed the responsibility of the U.S. government vis-à-vis the safety and security of the residents. They discussed with him their points and requests as stated below, and asked him to bring these to the attention of the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry:

1. Take measures for the immediate release of the seven hostages and prevent their extradition to the clerical regime in Iran. PMOI representatives stated that the seven hostages had been kidnapped at Camp Ashraf on September 1 by attacking Iraqi forces and continued to be kept at a prison near Baghdad airport.

2. Around-the-clock stationing of a UNAMI observer team at Liberty and protection of Camp Liberty by the UN Blue Helmets; The September 1 massacre leaves no doubt that the government of Iraq is the perpetrator of the suppression and slaughter of the PMOI members and is by no means qualified to protect them. The residents strongly rejected the Iraqi government’s suggestion of increase the cameras and the number of Iraqi security forces at Camp Liberty and said these measures were simply to set the stage for future massacres.

3. The provision of the 7 security measures at Camp Liberty that the Iraqi government has prevented thus far. These are the return of the 17,500 T-walls, transfer of the residents’ protective vests and helmets, transferring residents’ medical equipment from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty, transferring 150, 2-meters by 2-meters shelters to Liberty, double-layering the trailers’ ceilings, giving permission to construct at Liberty, and increasing its surface area.

4. Guaranteeing the residents’ right of ownership to their moveable and immovable property at Camp Ashraf and allowing their sale under the supervision of Senator Torricelli, the residents’ legal representative. The Iraqi government does not even allow the sale of property under the terms of Mr. Busztin’s letter of September 5. The letter stated: The GOI shall allow the residents to sell their property at any time. The Iraqi government, contrary to previous agreements, does not allow the transfer of 30 truck-loads of the remaining property and belongings from the residents’ convoys number 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 from Ashraf to Liberty.

5. Conducting an independent and comprehensive investigation into the massacre, group execution, and hostage taking on September 1 by an international fact fighting committee within a limited timeframe and bringing those responsible for these crimes to justice. This is necessary for preventing the catastrophe from occurring again.

6. In a meeting with the Deputy Assistance Secretary of State at Liberty, the hunger strikers stressed that they will continue their hunger strike until the release of the hostages and securing of Liberty, otherwise, considering the Iraqi government’s malicious intentions, a 6th massacre will take place. The Iraqi government’s prevention of the seven security necessities, when they are even paid for by the residents, reveals its malicious intentions and that it has no objectives other than imposing a greater toll on the residents.

7. The remaining 42 Ashraf residents were transferred to Liberty on the basis of the guarantees provided in the September 6th letter of Ms. Beth Jones, Assistant Secretary of State for the Near Eastern Affairs, and Mr. Busztin’s letter of September 5th, but none of the guarantees have been carried out by the Iraqi government; for example:

• Ms. Jones had expressly stated: “We insist that everything possible be done to find those who are missing, but unfortunately, so far no serious action has been taken in this regard.”
• Ms. Jones also stated: “We finally take note of the Government of Iraq’s agreement with UNAMI to install large T-walls…., as well as additional measures.” But so far a very small portion of the 17,500 T-walls have been transferred to Liberty. The Iraqi forces have not allowed even this small number to be taken to the designated locations. On September 16, Mr. Busztin informed the residents’ representatives that the Iraqi government had opposed the transfer of helmets and protective vests, i.e., the additional measures.
• Ms. Jones had explicitly stated that: “The United Nations will help facilitate the safeguarding of the property at Ashraf through your retention of a trusted local security firm.” However, despite residents’ efforts, the Iraqi government prevents this.
• Contrary to these 2 letters, the Iraqi forces did not allow the making of lists of property and didn’t even allow the residents to bring with them the ownership documents of their property to Liberty. This reveals their intention to steal and expropriate the residents’ properties.

8. The residents called for the carrying out of the contents of the UNHCR’s statement number 7 and the letters of Ms. Jones and Mr. Busztin, especially in regard to the hostages which is common in all three. The UNHCR’s statement, among other things, emphasizes the “need for increasing physical protection,” enjoying “fundamental protections for security and welfare,” “the non-refoulment principle,” “freedom of passage,” and “being treated in accordance with fundamental humanitarian standards, including most importantly, their security.” If the Iraqi government was not a culprit in the crime, not only it wouldn’t be flooded with the gratitude and appreciation of the mullahs ruling Iran, but also it would not prevent provision of these humanitarian minimums that have been repeatedly called for by the UN, UNHCR, and the U.S. government.

9. The residents have shown maximum cooperation with the UNHCR. 2,000 residents have participated in the Commission’s interviews. The PMOI and NCRI have cooperated to the maximum for the relocation of the residents to third countries and have accepted all the expenses associated with the relocation and resettlement in third countries. Nevertheless, as stated in the High Commission’s statement number 7 (September 13), from 2011 until now, only 210 residents have been relocated to outside Iraq. The residents emphasized the fact that currently, the urgent issue after the massacre of September 1st and after 3 missile attacks on Liberty, is the security of the residents.

10. The Iranian Resistance emphasizes the necessity of the regular and frequent visits to Liberty pledged by U.S. Secretary of State on December 25, 2011, and considers that to be a necessary step to guarantee the security and safety of Liberty residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 17,2013

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