Danaifar: Many groups that over these years have attempted to separate the Monafeqin forces from Ashraf are in contact with us… within our organizational capacity, we supported them



Camp Ashraf military occupation- No 103

NCRI – In an exclusive interview with the Iranian regime’s intelligence websites, Danaifar, regime’s ambassador to Iraq and a terrorist Qods Force commander, disclosed regime’s role in demonizing the PMOI and Ashraf residents in the clumsiest fashion.

In this interview, the aforementioned websites acknowledge that Danaifar, “beside his main responsibilities in Iraq and his endeavors at expanding relations between the two countries, is also watching the recent events in New Iraq Camp (Camp Ashraf)”. He is then asked: “Over these past years, some groups, Iranian or foreigner, have attempted to break away the Monafeqin forces from Ashraf; what kind of coordination you have with these groups?”

Danaifar responds: “Many of these groups are in contact with us; some are knowledgeable about Monafeqin while many lacked good knowledge on them. For those groups lacking good base knowledge, we have endeavored to familiarize them with this issue. Through presenting books and brochures we showed them the depth of the Monafeqin’s crimes. On the other hand, we have also supported Iranian groups; so that if they are capable of doing anything in this regard or have a will to try, they could go ahead. If they have an exhibition or things like that, we have prepared the conditions for them to hold their exhibition. In this regard, several exhibitions were held in Iraq where Iranian and Iraqi groups collaborated and we assisted them as much as our organization’s capacity permitted.” (Mossallas and Habilian Websites affiliated with mullahs’ intelligence – May 9)

Mullahs’ ambassador adds: “We have asked the Iraqi side that this opposition group is against Iran and that its presence in Iraq is contrary to good neighborliness and close relations between the two countries. We have declared our request for the speedy expulsion of Monafeqin from Iraq”.

Such overt obscenity by Velayat-e faqih and commanders of the terrorist Qods Force clearly demonstrates how much the regime fears Iran’s freedom fighters in a situation where regional uprisings and internal and external crises have the ground trembling beneath the feet of Velayat-e faqih.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 10, 2011

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