Critically Camp Liberty patient needs urgent transfer to Britain


NCRI – Mr. Jalal Seyed Abedini, 58, a Camp Liberty resident and a refugee of Britain that has been in the several list of Liberty patients to be transferred out of Iraq, underwent an urgent abdominal surgery on April 15 for a 20 cm tumor in his intestine and is currently in critical condition. He has also been suffering from an eye disease for many years and is living on just one kidney.

The medical blockade imposed on Camp Liberty that everyone is demanding its removal except for the mullahs’ regime and its proxies in Iraq, continuously takes its victims from among the residents. Urgently and at the first possible opportunity, the United Nations and the British government should arrange for the transfer and treatment of Mr. Abedini before it is too late.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 16, 2015

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