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Conference in Brussels: Call on EU, US and UN to take urgent action to annul suppressive deadline set by the Government of Iraq for closure of Camp Ashraf

• Maryam Rajavi warned of another massacre due to Iraqi government’s obstructions against international attempts for peaceful resolution of Ashraf case

NCRI – In an international conference held on Tuesday October 18 in Brussels at the invitation of Belgian Committee of Friends of a Free Iran, a number of representatives of the European Parliament and Belgium Parliament as well as international prominent figures from US and Europe, while referring to revelation of the terrorist plot of the mullahs’ regime’s Quds Force in US, emphasized the need for confronting the Iranian regime which is the central banker for terrorism in the world.
The speakers in the conference underscored that confronting this regime and standing against it primarily needs to take correct practical measure regarding its main opposition, namely the movement under the leadership of Mrs. Rajavi. Without siding with the opposition, even sanctions have trivial impact. This has doubled the need for protection of Ashraf.

Ashraf is the most significant factor in confronting the religious and terrorist dictatorship that is moving toward acquiring nuclear bomb. At the same time, defending Ashraf is in line with promotion of democracy and human rights and defending the Region Spring.
The speakers to the conference were: Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance؛ Struan Stevenson President of the Delegation for Relations with Iraq in European parliament (Presenter of Europe’s proposal for resolving Ashraf crisis); Ryszard Czarnecki, MEP;  Senator Peter Van Rompuy, President of the Delegation for Relations with Iraq in Belgian Senate; Gerald Kindermans, Senator, David Clarinval member of Belgian parliament and mayor.

Also, prominent American and European dignitaries including Governor Howard Dean, former head of the Democratic Party (2005-2009) and the US Presidential candidate; Governor Tom Ridge, the first US Secretary of Homeland Security (2003-2005); Judge Michael Mukasey, former US Attorney General (2007-2009); General James Conway, Commandant of the US Marine Corps (2006-2010); Nontombi Tutu, human rights activist and the daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu; and COL Wesley Martin, former commander of the Coalition counter-terrorism in Iraq and the Commander of  US Military Police in Ashraf, delivered their speeches in the conference.
The key speaker, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, president elect of the Iranian Resistance, while emphasizing that the continuation of the appeasement policy with the clerical regime would only lead to catastrophe, said: “Now that the octopus of the religious dictatorship in Iran has extended its tentacles to Washington, DC, the United States should certainly take a lesson from this important event.
The first lesson to be learnt is from the great error of deviation from the counter-terrorism effort.  Instead of targeting the central banker of terrorism, they targeted its opposition. They, therefore, paved the way for the advance of the real terrorists.”
She added, “If the United States were to take the right lessons from this development, it would certainly apologize to the Iranian nation for the unjust designation which was in effect participation in suppression.  
The second lesson is that the Iranian regime will never abandon terrorism, and if it is contained to within Iran, it will collapse from within.

The third lesson to be learnt is that a policy of conciliation and appeasement of this terrorist and dictatorial regime is either out of folly or is a deception to justify appeasement of this regime.”

She added, “By bowing to the religious fascism in Iran, the US has gained nothing but its savage terrorism in the heart of Washington DC.”

Reminding that the terrorist Qods Force takes orders only from the regime’s supreme religious leader, particularly for its operation in Washington DC, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that Khamenei should be tried for crimes against humanity in an international court.

She also warned the United States and Europe not to repeat their mistakes of the past three decades in the face of the Iranian regime’s terrorism and not to try to save the regime in its entirety or Khamenei in particular.

In this regard, she asked for referring the Iranian regime’s terrorism file and its violations of human rights to the UN Security Council and implementing a full oil boycott of this regime and stopping fueling its suppressive machinery.
Maryam Rajavi added,” The time has come to delist the resistance movement that is the victim of Western appeasement of this regime.”

President-elect of the Iranian Resistance blamed the European states and the United States of America for their sitting idly by in the face of another massacre which is being advanced under the guise of the Iraqi deadline for closure of Ashraf.

She warned them that if they do not stop the Iraqi government’s flouting of International Law and its effort to destroy Ashraf residents today, tomorrow will be too late.

She unveiled that the Iranian Resistance has received evidence and intelligence from within the regime that shows the Iraqi Government, on pretext of its deadline to close Ashraf, and on orders of Khamenei is preparing to attack Ashraf. The Iraqi government is obstructing UN agencies work in resolving the Ashraf issue. They are for instance applying pressure to disrupt the work of the UNHCR in determining the refugee status of Ashraf residents.

“Extensive political, security, and economic relations with Iraq, enables Western governments to pressure the Iraqis to abide by international norms,” she said reiterating that “the time has come for the UN Secretary General and the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights to act to station UN monitors in Ashraf and to cancel the suppressive deadline set by the Iraqi government. The time has come for Western governments to stand alongside the Iranian Resistance that represents the will of the Iranian people for freedom, democracy, separation of religion and state, gender equality and a non-nuclear Iran,” she said.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 18, 2011