Compulsory transfer of the wounded from the hospital

Camp Ashraf military occupation – No. 47

A call to transfer the injured to Balad hospital 

NCRI – At 3 pm today, Tuesday April 12, at least 16 of the residents of Camp Ashraf who were injured during the murderous attack of the April 8 on Camp Ashraf and were admitted to the Baquba city hospital in Iraq were pulled off of their hospital beds using force and violence by soldiers and Iraqi officers and were transferred to the “New Iraqi Hospital” in Ashraf which is a place for physical and mental torture of the patients.


Many of the wounded are in critical condition, some have just been operated on and others are awaiting surgery. This is an inhuman act with   questionable objectives to cover up their crimes and play with life of the injured.
On the other hand, Khalid Omar, director of Iraq’s “New Iraqi Hospital” has refused to transport 48 of the injured of the April 8th attack to the hospital   and has only admitted 7 people to the “New Iraqi Hospital”, the rest were returned to Camp Ashraf.
Pointing to the fact that as Robert Gates, U.S. Defense Secretary talked to the media on the need of medical assistance to the wounded, Iranian Resistance emphasizes that given the current status of safety and health of the severely injured is in danger, we demand   all the wounded, including those hospitalized at Baquba and Baghdad or are still in Camp Ashraf, be transferred to the U.S. forces Hospital in Balad .

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 12, 2011

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