Committee in Iraqi Prime Minister Office tasked with suppression of Ashraf bars entry of fuel to the camp

On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 under above 50 degree Celsius in shade, Iraqi forces barred a tanker of fuel to enter Ashraf at the order of the committee in Iraq’s Prime Minister Office tasked with suppression of Ashraf. This happens while electricity is partly produced in the camp by generators and shortage of fuel will cause serious disruption in many essential services like facilities for patients and refrigeration systems needed for the preservation of food.

Residents’ representatives informed UNAMI representatives of this fuel shipment several days ago in order for the entry coordination to be made with the Iraqi government but on Wednesday when the fuel tanker arrived at Ashraf, Iraqi forces at the gate did not allow it to enter the camp. Residents’ repeated efforts on Wednesday and Thursday to bring in the shipment reached nowhere.

As residents are not allowed to buy fuel from Iraqi market, they have to import their required fuel from outside Iraq at a price several times as much and also pay for its transportation.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 27, 2012



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