Clerical regime’s Intelligence Minister admits that repressive measures against Ashraf are conducted by the Iran regime



Military occupation of Camp Ashraf- No. 118

NCRI – In the ridiculous show staged by the mullahs’ regime in Tehran titled as ‘combatting terrorism’ on Saturday, June 25, Mullah Moslehi, the mullahs’ minister of intelligence, acknowledged explicitly that the repressive measures carried out by the Iraqi government and forces against Ashraf residents have been fully planned and engineered by the religious fascism ruling Iran aimed at annihilation of the regime’s opposition.


Mehr News Agency, affiliated to the regime’s ministry of intelligence, quoted Moslehi as saying: “In order to make faster the dissolution of the Monafeqin terrorist group, the intelligence system has plans in its agenda and is taking measures… in this regard, we have had talks in Iraq with Iraqi authorities in order to clarify the situation of Ashraf garrison.” He added, “The country’s intelligence system is conducting significant measures in controlling and arresting members of terrorist groups…the  group called as Monafeqin is being dissolved and vanishing.”

Moslehi’s statements on Saturday, concurrent with the remarks made by Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and Iraqi President Talabani in the ridiculous conference of Tehran, clearly show that the massacre of Ashraf residents on April 8th and the deadlines set by Maliki and his cohorts in the Iraqi government for closing Ashraf has nothing to do with Iraq’s sovereignty or interests. The massacre was planned and designed in Khamenei’s office.”

In the great gathering of Iranian exiles on June 18th, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, announced: “The attack on Ashraf had nothing to do with Iraq’s national sovereignty. The massacre was planned in Khamenei’s office and was meant to defend the velayat-e faqih rule [in Iran]. It was an attack on the pillar of the Iranian people’s freedom.”

The comprehensive siege on Ashraf, including the hindrances made against having access to medical services and the ban on entry of lawyers, families and parliamentarians to Ashraf have also been dictated completely by the mullahs’ regime. In last Friday Prayer show, Mullah Ahmad Khatami appreciated Maliki for preventing the US Congressmen from visiting Ashraf and said: “Last week a delegation from the US came to Ashraf garrison to reorganize the PMOI, but Nouri Maliki stood against them and did not let them to Iraq. This measure should be appreciated and commended.” According to Quds, the IRGC’s news agency, Ahmad Khatami, while saying that the Americans bring up terrorist, specified: “US and UK are at the top of the list of human rights violators. UK was the first state that removed the PMOI from the terrorist list, and this is something which must not be forgotten.” (Fars News Agency, June 17)

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 26, 2011

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