Camp Liberty target of clerical regime’s mortar attack

Liberty- Statement 21

NCRI – Around 9:30 AM, Wednesday, March 28, the sound  of a launched mortar over Camp Liberty created great anxiety and concern among the residents. The mortar landed 1,000 meters southwest of the Camp. It caused a fire and thick smoke where it landed. 
Launching mortar, particularly at a time when there is maximum alert in Baghdad due to the Arab summit is a very serious warning on the security and protection of Liberty residents. This is particularly so , since the residents are very vulnerable to this kind of attack by the clerical regime due to very small area of Camp Liberty, too much concentration of the population and lack of any building and residence area of the Camp being made out of  bungalows.  In Camp Ashraf,  due to expansiveness of the area and distribution of the residents in the large area and due to considerable distance of the residential quarters with the Camp’s premier, the residents were considerably less vulnerable.

It is rather obvious that if more individuals are transferred from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty, their vulnerability  would increase considerably.

The Iranian Resistance,  while reminding  of nearly 200 terrorist attacks of the clerical regime against the offices and members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Iraq in the past two decades including launching various kinds of mortars and missiles, calls for the attention of the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary General, and the U.S. Secretary of State on the need for the protection of Camp Liberty residents and finding ways to decrease their vulnerability. Increasing the size of Camp Liberty and spreading the population are immediate and necessary steps. The current area of half a square Kilometers provided currently to residents of Camp Liberty is 60 times less than the area in Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 28, 2012

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