Camp Liberty: Preventing necessary surgery of 8 ill asylum seekers

Camp Liberty


Third week that residents’ purchased necessary items are prohibited from entry

At the behest of the Iranian regime, the committee tasked with suppressing Camp Liberty residents led by Faleh Fayyaz in the Iraqi Prime Minister’s Office has intensified its suppressive policies and inhumane restrictions against Camp Liberty residents.

On Sunday, August 16, upon the orders of the ‘suppression committee’, Iraqi agents prevented four patients from attending their long-awaited eye surgery appointments in a hospital in Baghdad. The surgery appointments of these four patients have to this date been cancelled several times due to the Iraqi forces’ obstructions.

On the same day Iraqi forces prevented four other patients, suffering from ear problems, from going to a Baghdad hospital, which led to the cancellation of their long-awaited appointments.

The residents immediately informed UNAMI that Iraqi forces prevented the transfer of these eight patients to Baghdad, yet their measures were fruitless.

The medical siege and causing the residents to suffer until death is a well-known policy of the ‘suppression committee’, which acts on behalf of the religious fascism ruling Iran, that has thus far led to the death of 26 residents.

In another inhumane measure, the ‘suppression committee’ prevented the entry of the residents purchased necessary items. These items included: 10 water coolers, textiles, utility items, and maintenance and repair supplies for the camp’s infrastructure and spare parts for the service trucks. This is now the third week that the ‘suppression committee’ is preventing the entry of the residents’ basic necessities.

In a camp where residents are not allowed freedom of movement outside, preventing the entry of basic necessities purchased by the residents is a flagrant breach of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between UNAMI and the Iraqi government on December 25, 2011, and a violation of human rights, humanitarian standards and international treaties and is considered a criminal act.

Given the written and repeated commitments of the US Government and the UN regarding the safety and security of Camp Liberty residents, the Iranian Resistance calls for the immediate intervention of the US and the UN to end the logistical and medical siege on Camp Liberty and allow the residents free access to medical services.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 17, 2015

Related News:

Short video: Camp Liberty resident’s torment due to medical siege

IRAQ: Faleh Fayyad committee intensifies Camp Liberty siege


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