Camp Liberty: Iraqi forces deliberately introduce a 4 hour delay in treatment of critical patient


Intentional delay in transfer of patients with the aim of tormenting them to death is a criminal act and its perpetrators need to stand trial and be punished

In an anti-human act on Wednesday, 22 October 2014, Iraqi agents delayed the transfer of patient Ms. Zahra Rabiei, an extremely urgent case, to the hospital for four hours. This happened when the patient was suffering from cardiac ischemia and any delay in her transfer to the hospital could have cost her life.

At 10 a.m., Ms. Rabiei was taken to the Iraqi clinic inside the camp as an emergency case and once the Iraqi physicians took her ECG and determined that she was suffering from cardiac ischemia, they ordered her immediate transfer to the hospital in Baghdad. Despite the ambulance being ready, on leaving the camp, the Iraqi agents said that the patient’s interpreter and nurse have to be replaced. Although the interpreter was replaced, the Iraqi agents again prevented the transfer and asked for yet another interpreter. Finally, after the interpreter had been replaced three times, the patient was permitted to leave the camp after a four hour delay.

The hampering and introduction of intentional delays in transferring patients to the hospital has become routine, with no objective other than tormenting the patients to death and psychologically torturing the other residents, is a criminal act whose perpetrators need to face trial and punishment.

The policy of imposing a medical blockade on the residents that has so far cost the lives of 21 residents is implemented by Faleh Fayyad, Maliki’s National Security Advisor, at the behest of the Iranian regime. The Iranian Resistance, reminding of the direct responsibility of the United States and the United Nations for the security and well-being of Camp Liberty residents, is calling for immediate measures to end this criminal siege and secure the free access for residents to medical services.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 23, 2014

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