Camp Liberty: Iraq blocking repair of trailers damaged in missile attack

NCRI – Two months after the February 9 missile attack, Iraq’s Prime Ministry not only prevents security measures to be taken, but it also obstacles transfer of necessary items needed for the repair of damaged trailers and installations.

Since the very first days following the missile attack, the residents provided the representatives of the Iraqi government and UNAMI with a list of essential items to be transferred from Ashraf to Liberty. Following several meetings and after GOI representatives visited damaged areas, they agreed on the transfer of part of the items.

After several days of harassment and making excuses by Major Ahmad Khozair, representative of Prime Ministry, Iraqi forces in Ashraf agreed on the transfer of a small part of previously agreed list to Liberty on Monday, April 1. They transferred the cargo to Liberty after very close inspections by the police, Army Intelligence, Prime Ministry representatives and police dog unit. However, Ahmad Khozair who had gone from Ashraf to Liberty along with the cargo prevented its entry to Liberty on the excuse that they needed to be inspected once again.

Out of 67 items needed for the repair of ablution caravans, only 27 items at a very smaller quantity than already agreed were loaded, and items such as shower sinks and washbasin, tabs, pipes and fittings have been omitted.

Out of 21 necessary items needed for the repair of 68 trailers, only 20 sandwich panels, 35 boards and a limited quantity of bolts and nuts were transferred, and the transfer of hundreds of metal plates, sandwich panels, boards, etc. that were strongly needed by the residents were prevented.

From other list of supplies such as air-conditioner, chairs and tables, split unit air-conditioner, washing machine, satellite dish, personal locker, etc., only four air-conditioners and two lockers, and only six personal computers to replace damaged computers have been transferred. Whereas more than 40 air-conditioners, 15 split unit air-conditioners and a large number of computers and other audio-video devices were severely damaged or destroyed.

UNAMI monitors, who have been closely witnessing this growing trend of pressures and psychological torture imposed by criminals such as Sadeq Mohammad Kazem, Ahmad Khozair, and Haidar Azab Mashi, took no actions.
Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary-General, United Nations High Commission for Refugees and the U.S. government – considering their obligations toward safety and security of Liberty residents- to take immediate measures to stop these antihuman restrictions.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 2, 2013

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