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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyCamp Ashraf resident Alireza Ahmadkhah has died

Camp Ashraf resident Alireza Ahmadkhah has died

Des résidents d'Achraf blessés par l'attaque sauvage des forces répressives irakiennesIranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 53

NCRI – Alireza Ahmadkhah, who was shot in the leg on Tuesday by Iraqi suppressive forces, died at around 22:00 local time on Thursday. He was 51 and was born in the northern city of Rasht. He had 20 years of professional political experience struggling for freedom of the Iranian people from the clutches of the religious tyranny ruling Iran.

Ahmadkhah died in Balad hospital of the American forces, 20 km from Ashraf. On Thursday afternoon, after a two-day delay, 12 of the severely wounded Ashraf residents, 8 of whom were shot by the Iraqi agents, including Asghar Yaghoubpour, were transferred by American forces to Balad hospital. At noon on Thursday, the American military’s spokesman in Iraq declared the US forces’ readiness to provide medical treatment upon request.

Two days ago, the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran had said in Statement no. 18 that, “A number of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who were severely wounded in an attack by Iraqi police on Tuesday and whose situation is deteriorating, are in need of urgent medical attention by eye surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons and ophthalmologists. At the time of reporting on Tuesday night at 23:00 local time, doctors are not accessible and the Diyala province hospital has refused to send doctors in view of the unsafe situation on the roads. American forces have the capability to use helicopters to transfer the wounded to the American forces’ hospital in Balad, 20 km from Ashraf, in a matter of minutes.”

The NCRI Secretariat also said in Statement no. 21, that, “The Iranian Resistance considers Nouri al-Maliki directly and personally responsible for today's massacre in Ashraf as well as the prevention of entry of physicians into the camp and the deaths of those individuals in critical condition. Their families and lawyers will subsequently file legal complaints at international tribunals.”

No doubt, if they were treated without delay, Alireza Ahmadkhah and Siavosh Nezamolmolki and several other residents would not have lost their lives.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 30, 2009